We'll create fresh WordPress site with fslider installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
The fslider plugin will create a dynamic slide show in place of the fslider
short tag using content that is uploaded to the fslider/features/ plugin
Upload four image files, img01.jpg, img02.jpg, img03.jpg and img04.jpg to the
wp-content/plugins/fslider/features/ directory and the html files with the
details for each image, img01.html, img02.html, img03.html and img04.html,
then add the fslider short tag to a page on the WordPress web site and BAM,
you have a slide show with four slides and their details.
The [fslider] tag currently does not accept any attributes.
[fslider] – inserts the slide show
The file name for the slide images must start with img, i.e. img-001.jpg.
The detail files should have the same base name as the image file and end
with the .html extension, i.e. img-001.html.