Hello I am here! Video conferences

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Takes ~10 seconds to install.

About Hello I am here! Video conferences

Create instant meetings with your clients or potential clients.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 4 years ago


Create instant meetings with your clients or potential clients.

Create instant meetings with your students, family or friends.

Mantain communications in the actual COVID-19 crisis.
And maybe future COVID-XX 🙁

How to:

  1. Create a new Hello I am here! from admin
  2. Insert shortcode [show-meet] in any page. Or create a new page and insert there.
  3. Send your client/student/friend/… the meeting code and the page url
  4. You and your client/studen/friend/… put the meeting code in the page

The page with the shortcode [show-meet] can be used forever for all the meetings.
Or you can put the shortcode in some other places, too.