Hide Shipping Method For WooCommerce

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About Hide Shipping Method For WooCommerce

Allows store owners to hide shipping methods based on specific conditions!






updated: 9 months ago
since: 4 years ago
author: theDotstore


Hide Shipping Method For WooCommerce plugin allows you to hide WooCommerce default shipping methods as well as a third-party shipping plugin in your WordPress store.

The plugin automatically hides all other shipping methods when “free shipping” is available during the cart/checkout process. It also includes an option to keep “local pickup” available alongside “free shipping”

Conditional Hide Shipping Method Rules, you can hide shipping method by to hide WooCommerce Shipping methods on your cart and checkout pages.

Pro Plugin Demo : View Demo

Key Features:

  • Hide all other shipping methods and when “Free Shipping” available on the cart page.
  • Hide all other shipping methods and when “Free Shipping” and “Local Pickup” available on the cart page.
  • Conditional Hide shipping method Rules – you can hide different shipping methods as per different sets of rules.
  • Hide Shipping Methods & Options based on Various Conditions.
  • Conditional Hide Shipping Method Rules-based by Product
  • Conditional Hide Shipping Method Rules-based by category product
  • Conditional Hide Shipping Method Rules-based by Tag’s Product
  • Conditional Hide Shipping Method Rules-based by user-specific
  • Conditional Hide Shipping Method Rules-based by Order Cart sub-total (Before discount)
  • Conditional Hide Shipping Method Rules-based by Quantity

Benefits of the Plugin for Your Customers:

  • Reduced hassles

Multiple shipping methods make the shopping tough for buyers. Worst is when the non-applicable shipping methods aren’t disabled, and a customer completes the lengthy checkout process, just to go back to the checkout page and correct the shipping method before completing the purchase. Definitely not good! Use our plugin to avoid such a situation.

  • Minimal Options during Checkout

An ideal the checkout page is that which has minimal options on it. The messy it will be, the lesser will be your chances of a successful sale. How to do it? Well, what about reducing the unnecessary shipping methods from your checkout pages as per the cart/items. It will surely enhance the clarity and usability of your checkout page.

  • Better Purchasing Experience

With a slight improved in the checkout speed and a fair checkout page that is quite understandable for even the naive buyers, your online store with definitely does better. So, utilize the basic and advanced shipping method hiding capabilities of hiding Shipping Method for WooCommerce Plugin to deliver a better purchase experience.


Hide Shipping Method For WooCommerce Plugin will be compatible with the shipping methods displayed by a third party plugin. It is already tested for the following shipping methods and works perfectly fine.
* Advanced Flat Rate Shipping Method WooCommerce
* Table Rate for WooCommerce by Flexible Shipping
* Table Rate Shipping
* WooCommerce Weight Based Shipping

Plugin Use Case:

  • Example 1:

Let’s consider that your online store is shipping food items for free when the customer is in the same city as yours. Though you’ve applied all free shipping related features and shipping cost is zero, your store still has 3-4 shipping methods, out of which, choosing one is mandatory.

In this case, the customer will have to choose the one that helps him avail of free shipping. However, is it how the process should move forward ideally?

Obviously, no.

Use Hide Shipping Method for WooCommerce & disable all other shipping methods when free shipping is applicable. And ta-da! Your buyer won’t have to get confused anymore.

  • Example 2:

Let’s say you want to apply this condition to your online store –

If the product weighs more than 25 pounds or state is not Texas in the USA, or product a category is JEWELS,

Show only one shipping method on the checkout page i.e. ‘CUSTOM’.

Can you do it with your WooCommerce settings?

Well, Hide Shipping Method for WooCommerce Plugin works well for this scenario.

Just add all these rules (basic rules, as per plugin’s terminology) for a hide shipping method and enable the advanced setting ‘Any One Rule Match’ before saving the configuration!

Hide Shipping Method For WooCommerce Pro version:

Need even more features? upgrade to Hide Shipping Method For WooCommerce PRO to get all the advanced features.

  • Hide Specific Shipping Methods when Free Shipping is enabled
  • Manage Conditional Hide Shipping Rules
  • Hide shipping method by Location Specific Rule – It could be related to the country, state, postal code or custom zone.
  • Hide shipping method by Product Specific Rule – It could be related to the product name, product category, product SKU
  • Hide shipping method by Variable product or tag. Attribute Specific Rule – It could be related to color or size or product or variable product.
  • Hide shipping method by User Specific Rule – It could be related to the user or user role.
  • Hide shipping method by Cart Specific Rule – It could be related to cart subtotal (before or after discount), cart quantity, cart weight (in kilograms), shipping class or coupon.
  • You can set advanced rules (Min Quantity, Max Quantity & unique hide shipping) related to the following parameters – (Product Qty Product Weight Product Subtotal Category Subtotal Category Weight Total Cart Qty Total Cart Weight Total Cart Subtotal)
  • Explore our other plugins to supercharge your WordPress website:

    1. Advance Flat Rate Shipping Method For WooCommerce
    2. Blocker – Prevent Fake Orders And Blacklist Fraud Customers for WooCommerce
    3. Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics for WooCommerce
    4. Category Banner Management for Woocommerce
    5. Conditional Product Fees For WooCommerce Checkout
    6. Advanced Product Size Charts for WooCommerce
    7. Advance Menu Manager for WordPress