We'll create fresh WordPress site with Hostry PageSpeed Booster installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
The plugin improves the indicator of webpage loading time by means of scaling statics by using content delivery network (CDN), and contributes to a substantial increase in productivity on account of reducing the size of CSS/JS statics and HTML content.
The simplified plugin setup does not require special knowledge.
After plugin installation and activation, you only have to provide the CDN link and activate the service.
It has already become rather obvious that site speed (and consequently, page load time) is crucial for Web Search Engines page ranking algorithms. In measuring site speed the retrieval engines are even believed to be counting to first bite precisely. To top it off, the slower the page is loading, the less pages the search engines are able to crawl through due to deficient allocated crawl budget. And this is definitely no good news for your indexation.
For the overall user experience and satisfaction page speed is of no small importance too. Prolonged load time brings unsatisfactory bounce rates, users are less likely to linger on such page. Let alone the chilling effect longer load time casts over type conversions.
Hostry CDN (Content Delivery Network) uses Hostry’s globally-distributed edge nodes of presence to speed up data delivery for web resources and apps. For reduction of cross network delay, offloads origins and more comfortable maintenance costs there is Hostry CDN, which is always at hand for users. Page loading is considerably boosted up bringing forth more enhanced engagement.
The Hostry FREE CDN is provided by the international hosting company INXY LTD project HOSTRY.