Instant Checkout — Microcheckout for WooCommerce

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About Instant Checkout — Microcheckout for WooCommerce

Enable microcheckout on your WooCommerce store to boost conversion & sales.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Instant Checkout Services Inc.


Instant is the microcheckout plugin for e-commerce stores — enable embedded checkout on every page of a store, making it possible for any shopper to checkout in less than 30 seconds from any page on the site.

Typically a shopper has to go through 4-6 different pages or steps to make a purchase, increasing their chances of abandonment at every level. The end result is that only 3% of visiting shoppers actually place an order, while 97% drop out.

Microcheckout solves that problem with a sub-30 second checkout experience from any page, especially for first time shoppers.