Multistep Checkout for Woocommerce

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About Multistep Checkout for Woocommerce

Multistep checkout for woocommerce can be used to convert your checkout page into multisteps.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: phoeniixx




Multistep checkout for woocommerce can be used to convert your checkout page into multisteps.

Free Features:

  • Editable all the labels and buttons
  • Combine Billing and shipping form in a Single tab.
  • Combine order review and payment form in a single tab.
  • Styling options are available.
  • Convert your checkout page into five steps – Login, Billing, Shipping, Review Order, and Payments


Take a look at how to set up Multistep Checkout in Woocommerce

Premium Features:


Global Settings

  • Option to enable or disable Checkout plugin.
  • Option to select the checkout style type.
  • Option to set the tab alignment in the Centre, Left, or in Right.
  • Option to change the label for Login, Billing, Shipping, Order info,and Payment.
  • New: Option to combine the Billing and Shipping details.

Style 1

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the icon background color.
  • Option to set the icon active background color.
  • Option to set the icon border color.
  • Option to set the icon border active color.
  • Option to set the number color.
  • Option to set the number active color.
  • Option to set the padding.

Style 2

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the border bottom active color.
  • Option to set the background color.
  • Option to set the background active color.
  • Option to set the margin for the tabs.
  • Option to set the padding.

Style 3

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the arrow color.
  • Option to set the background color.
  • Option to set the background active color.
  • Option to set the margin for the tabs.
  • Option to set the padding in left.
  • Option to set the padding in right.

Style 4

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the background color.
  • Option to set the background active color.
  • Option to set the margin for the tabs.
  • Option to set the padding .
  • Option to set the border radius.
  • Option to set the alignment for text in Centre , Left or in Right.

Style 5

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the background active color.
  • Option to set the margin for the tabs.
  • Option to set the padding .
  • Option to set the border bottom color.
  • Option to choose the border bottom style- Solid, Dotted, Dashed, Double, Groove, and Hidden.
  • Option to set the border bottom width.
  • Option to set the border radius.

Style 6

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the icon background color.
  • Option to set the icon active background color.
  • Option to set the number color.
  • Option to set the number active color.
  • Option to set the padding in left.
  • Option to set the padding in right.

Style 7

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the background color.
  • Option to set the background active color.
  • Option to set the number color.
  • Option to set the number background color.
  • Option to set the padding in left.
  • Option to set the padding in right.

Style 8

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the background color.
  • Option to set the background active color.
  • Option to set the padding .
  • Option to set the margins.

Style 9

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the background color.
  • Option to set the background active color.
  • Option to set the padding.
  • Option to set the margins.

Style 10

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the background active color.
  • Option to set the number color.
  • Option to set the number active color.
  • Option to set the number background color.
  • Option to set the number background active color.
  • Option to set the border size.
  • Option to set the border style- Solid, Dotted, Dashed, Double, Groove, and Hidden.
  • Option to set the border color.
  • Option to set the padding.
  • Option to set the margins.

Style 11

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the text active color.
  • Option to set the background active color.
  • Option to set the background hover color.
  • Option to set the background color.
  • Option to set the border size.
  • Option to set the border style- Solid, Dotted, Dashed, Double, Groove, and Hidden.
  • Option to set the border color.
  • Option to set the padding.

Style 12

  • Option to set the text size.
  • Option to select the font weight- Normal, Bold, Bolder and Lighter.
  • Option to set the text color.
  • Option to choose the text transform – Uppercase and Lowercase.
  • Option to set the background color.
  • Option to set the padding.
  • Option to set the margins.


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