Ni WooCommerce Product Vendor

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About Ni WooCommerce Product Vendor

Provide the option to create the product vendor and show the product vendor sales report






updated: 1 year ago
since: 5 years ago
author: anzia


Ni WooCommerce Product Vendor plugin provide the ability to create the custom user role for product vendor called “Ni Product vendor, you can assign user to that role and all user form “Ni Product vendor” display in WooCommerce product edit.

Order Product Report show the sold product list, you can filter the list by date period, order number, email address and customer billing name. Report also show the product vendor name in last columns.

Product stock report provide the list of all product with product vendor name, you can filter the report by product name, vendor name and you can also print the product stock report.

Support/Feedback Email/New Report Requirement

  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback – Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins
  • [email protected]


Users are fully responsible for their own use.