We'll create fresh WordPress site with OS media – HTML5 Featured Video installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
OS-media allow streaming of mp4/webm/ogv video progressively through PHP. It works with all WP themes, but is designed specifically for OS-media theme, a Twenty Fourteen Child Theme that is able to properly handle the layout of Custom Post for Featured Videos.
DEMO ONLINE: http://openstream.tv/demo/
OS-media WP theme: http://www.mariomarino.eu/os-media-wordpress-theme/
You can insert multimedia content:
There are 5 ways to insert video:
NOTE: the way 1 is recommended if you need to hide the video URL and prevents users from easily downloading the source.
For OSmedia Featured video (Custom Post Type), if you don’t use Os-media theme you can insert the function Osmedia_video() in your theme. This content are also optimized for latest WP theme like Twenty Fifteen or Twenty Fourteen, automatically detected by this plugin, which loads the dedicated layout for CPT content. If your theme is not recognized, is loaded by default the file layout/osmedia_cpt.php, that you can edit and customize for display your featured video.
For normal post/page you can place Poster Image for video URL in shortcode (img=””).
In custom Post Field you can use the WP Featured Image, otherwise the plugin try to load image file from the same directory with the same name and .jpg extension.
Some configs parameters in Option settings are general config, not present in single-post settings, this one are effective for post already created (for example: “local video path”, or “player skin”). And some other config parameters for default setting that are overwritten by the same settings parameters present in single-post (for example: “width”, or “autoplay”).
List of all parameters of OS-media video:
Shortcode example:
[video file=”demo” fileurl="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/” img="http://.." youtube="KTRVYDwfDyU" width="640" height="360"]
You can customize you own Video-js skin player simply generating css file through this tool: http://codepen.io/heff/pen/EarCt.
After that upload this file in the plugin folder: player/videojs/skin. The file name should reflect the name of the main class of the css file (not including the extension .css).
More Info on my personal blog: http://www.mariomarino.eu/en/os-media-wordpress-video-plugin/
IMPORTANT NOTE about old version (1.0):
The old featured video post create through old version of this plugin MUST be simply manually reloaded in Admin Area and, when appear the video data on the metabox form, click “Generate Shortcode” button and save post.
This because in the new version in normal post and page, video are displayed only through shortcode.