PayPal Pay Now, Buy Now, Donation and Cart Buttons Shortcode

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About PayPal Pay Now, Buy Now, Donation and Cart Buttons Shortcode

Adds a shortcode to display PayPal's pay now, buy now, donation and add to cart buttons with facility to customize your PayPal checkout page.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Mohsin Rasool


This plugin adds “paypal_button” shortcode to display pay now, buy now, donation and add to cart PayPal buttons with facility to customize their PayPal checkout page. Handy features of the plugins are

  • Four types of button Pay Now, Buy Now, Add to Cart, Donation
  • Customizable quantity field which is available as text box and drop down box with possible selected values or range of values for all types of buttons
  • Customizable PayPal Payment Button
  • Customizable PayPal Checkout page, change header logo and page color etc
  • Output can be a PayPal form with Default or Customizable PayPal button or a URL to PayPal payment/cart page that can be used on linked texts
  • All type of PayPal button options i.e. large, small, with and without Credit Card Logos
  • Set Thank you page after successful payment to return the user back to your website
  • Set Handling and Shipping charges
  • Allow buyer to add a note to order
  • Select language of your button. Supports 17 widely used languages
  • Both Admin generated amount (based on quantity) and user filled amount payments

Plugin also adds a [paypal_view_cart_link] shortcode to be used to create view cart buttons.

Possible usage of the plugin are as follows

Pay Now Button: [paypal_button type="paynow" amount="100"]
Buy Now Button: [paypal_button type="buynow" name="WordPres Portfolio Theme" amount="100"]
Donation Button: [paypal_button type="donate" amount="100"]
Add to cart Button: [paypal_button type="cart" name="Computer Table" amount="100"]
Payment Link: [paypal_button type="buynow" name="WordPres Portfolio Theme" amount="100" echo_link=1]

View Cart Link: <a href="[paypal_view_cart_link]">View Cart</a>

Set your PayPal E-Mail address and Checkout page customization in Settings->PayPal Buttons.


[paypal_button type="paynow|buynow|donate|cart" amount="100"]
<a href="[paypal_view_cart_link]">View Cart</a>


(string) (optional) Type of transaction. Allowed Values are
Possible Values: 'paynow', 'buynow', 'cart' or 'donate'

(string) (optional) Product Number
Possible Values: Any numeric product id

(string) (optional) Your PayPal E-Mail address.
Possible Values: A valid PayPal E-Mail address

(string) (optional) Name of the Product
Possible Values: Any String

(numeric) (optional) Product price to be charged. Yes, you can left empty for user to input amount. This can be used for donations.
Possible Values: Any numeric value

(numeric or string) (optional) Specfiy quantity as number or range or possible comma separated values. Leave empty to let user specify any quantity.
Possible Values: "1" or "1,5,10" or "1-10"

(string) (optional) Post fix text to be shown in quantity dropdown.
Possible Values: " items" or " products"

(string) (optional) HTML code to separate the generated visible HTML fields. Use "<br />" for new line.
Possible Values: "&nbsp;" or "<br />"

(boolean) (optional) Setting to "1" will enable user to enter amount they would like to pay.
Possible Values: 1 or 0

(boolean) (optional) Set to "1" for linked output
Possible Values: 1 or 0

(boolean) (optional) Set to "1" to open payment page in a new window
Possible Values: 1 or 0

(string) (optional) Currency of the Transaction.
Possible Values: 'USD' or 'CAD' or any currency code

(numeric) (optional) Tax rate in percentage applied to the total price.
Possible Values: 0.0001 to 100

(numeric) (optional) Shipping charges for the product.
Possible Values: Any numeric value

(string) (optional) Set URL of your own customizable button. Global setting is used when left empty or default PayPal Button
Possible Values: A URL to an image

(string) (optional) Set size of the button either 'large' or 'small'.
Possible Values: 'large' or 'small'

(string) (optional) Display Credit Cards Logo under the button.
Possible Values: 'yes' or 'no'

(string) (optional) Let buyer add a note to order.
Possible Values: 'yes' or 'no'

(string) (optional) Buyer will be redirect to this page after successful payment.
Possible Values: An absolute URL e.g.

(string) (optional) URL to your Logo image.
Possible Values: An absolute URL e.g.

(string) (optional) Set border color of the checkout page header.
Possible Values: A HTML Hexa-decimal code. e.g. FFFF00, 999999 etc

(string) (optional) Change background color of the checkout page header.
Possible Values: A HTML Hexa-decimal code. e.g. FFFF00, 999999 etc

(string) (optional) Change background color of the entire checkout page.
Possible Values: A HTML Hexa-decimal code. e.g. FFFF00, 999999 etc