WooCommerce Advanced Shipping

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About WooCommerce Advanced Shipping

Manage all of your Woocommerce enabled store shipping options and needs easily with Woocommerce Advanced Shipping Plugin. Create custom rules and pack …






updated: 4 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: Muneeb


Manage Shipping rates and get latest shipping rates from Shipping companies. Show accurate shipping rates to customers based on product weights and store conditions

** USPS Support
** FedEx Support
** FlatRate Custom Packages/Box Support
** Table Rate & Conditional Logic Suppor For Custom Shipping Rates
** Easy to use UI
** Integrate with other services
** Canada Post( In Development )
** Royal Mail( In Development )

To use the plugin. Follow the following steps

** Activate the plugin.
** Goto Wp-admin -> Woocommerce -> Settings -> Shipping add shipping zone and in that zone add “Advanced Shipping” shipping method.
** Goto wp-admin -> Woocommerce -> Advanced Shipping settings page to configure & setup the plugin.


  1. Install using the WordPress built in plugin installer or via ftp.
  2. Activate the Plugin.
  3. Go to WooCommerce > Advanced Shipping
  4. Goto Wp-admin -> Woocommerce -> Settings -> Shipping add shipping zone and in that zone add “Advanced Shipping” shipping method.
  5. Goto wp-admin -> Woocommerce -> Advanced Shipping settings page to configure & setup the plugin.