We'll create fresh WordPress site with Product Questions & Answers for WooCommerce installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
This plugin allows the customers to ask questions about each product in your store and admin to answer/update/delete them and add new question from the backend product page.
You can also drag and drop questions to change their order of appearance.
1. Avails logged-in customers to ask questions about each product.
2. Avails Administrator and Shop Manager to moderate questions and give answers.
3. Avails Administrator and Shop Manager to change the order of question-answer pair on front-end.
4. Enable/Disable paginations, change page size, update Load More button text and layout.
4. Two question-answer layouts available for front-end: Normal and Accordion.
No configuration needed! just install and it will start working from there, you can change the settings at any time though.