Product Variation Table for WooCommerce – PVT

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About Product Variation Table for WooCommerce – PVT

Display WooCommerce product variations in a nicely formatted table with options to sort and filter by attribute.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 4 years ago
author: WPXtension


Product Variation Table for WooCommerce – PVT allows you to replace the default dropdown options of WooCommerce variable products and display your product variations in a beautiful and customizable table.

By default, WooCommerce offers a dropdown for the variable products so customers can choose between the size, color, and other available options. With the Product Variation Table for WooCommerce – PVT, you can display the available product variations in an easy-to-follow table. It also offers flexible options to customize the product variation table. Furthermore, customers will have the ability to filter and sort the available options by attributes, price, and other options.

Product Variation Table for WooCommerce – PVT offers ease both for the store owners and customers. It will help your customers to quickly browse through the available options and purchase the desired products. Thus, store owners will have a better chance to make a higher revenue from their store.

View Demo | Documentation | Support | Pro Version

Free Version: Feature Highlights of Product Variation Table for WooCommerce – PVT

⚙️ Control what columns to show or hide in the variations table.
⚙️ Select where you want the variations table to show up in the product page.
⚙️ Sort the table columns as you wish using easy drag’n drop tables in settings.
⚙️ Show or hide the “Available Options” button to scroll to the variation table when clicked.
⚙️ Customize “Available Options” and “Add to cart” button text.
⚙️ Choose Plus and Minus buttons to increase/decrease the quantity for each variation.
⚙️ Scroll to top or, redirect to cart page once a product is successfully carted.
⚙️ Display cart confirmation notice after a product successfully carted.
⚙️ Add subtotal columns to instantly display price updates when quantity changes
⚙️ Show or hide header of the variation table.
⚙️ Disable Add To Cart Button when a product variation is out of stock.
⚙️ Stop table breakdown on small devices to display it like large screen devices.
⚙️ Your store, your style! Use the shortcode [pvtfw_table_display] to include the variation table in your product description.
⚙️ Set a minimum width for the table that fits your theme and page layout.
⚙️ User-friendly horizontal scrollbar option for your table.
⚙️ Now PVT has a format for the +/- quantity field option; you are no longer dependent on the theme.
⚙️ Furthermore, you can hide the “Available Options” title above the variation table.

Advanced Version: Feature Highlights of Product Variation Table for WooCommerce – PVT


With the extended version of this plugin, you can take your product variation tables to the next level and increase your store sales with better user experience.

🎨 Bulk add to cart variation products.
🎨 Display Bulk Cart Notice and customize the notice text.
🎨 Display both variation table and dropdown.
🎨 Exclude out of stock variations from the table.
🎨 Resize variation thumbnail on the product table.
🎨 Show or hide variation table for individual product.
🎨 Show or hide variation table for a category.
🎨 Zoom variation thumbnail on the product table.
🎨 Enable thumbnail popup for variation products.
🎨 Display thumbnail popup gallery.
🎨 Show variation title with attributes on popup.
🎨 Search variations by typing your search keywords.
🎨 Disable variation table for mobile screen.
🎨 Pre-select all variations.
🎨 Variation Table Pagination.
🎨 Two different bulk variation table layout. Such as: checkbox style, quantity based bulk cart.
🎨 Display the number of selected items and the total price with the Bulk Cart button.
🎨 Add custom columns to variation table. How to add custom columns? Please check this article.
🎨 Replace the Add to Cart text from the Action Column with a Cart Icon. As a result, your product variation table will be more compact and beautiful.
🎨 Replace the Bulk Cart Text with a Cart Icon to make your product page more appealing
🎨 Display text “Out of Stock” replacing the disable quantity field for out-of-stock variations.
🎨 PVT Pro is now wishlist compatible; you can display the Add to Wishlist option in the table.
🎨 Compatible with Back In Stock Notifier Plugin; you can display the inline form/popup button in the table.

Currently, it has support for the following plugins:

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
TI WooCommerce Wishlist
Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce

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