Profile CCT

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About Profile CCT

Manage and display advanced user profiles on your website.






updated: 10 years ago
since: 13 years ago


This plugin allows for management of user public profiles with a lot of customizability.

In the dashboard under Profiles->Settings, administrators can:

  • Build a form for users to fill out, choosing which fields to include and how to arrange them, via a straightforward drag and drop interface.
  • Add taxonomies to group and filter profiles
  • Design a page to display user information
  • Design a separate list view when listing multiple users
  • Create additional fields that can be added to the profile form and page.
  • Manage, create and delete user profiles

Users can edit their profile under Users->Public Profile, where they’ll be presented with
the form you created.

Everything can be styled with CSS

Dashboard icon from
Social icons from


The plugin will generate pages for individual profiles as well as for lists of people.

The profile form your users will fill out can be fully customized in Profiles->Settings, as well as how profiles are displayed on your site.

Additional information on this customization is available at

Archive Pages

By default you can see a list of profiles on your site at
To display filtering/searching controls on the archive page you have three options:
1. modify your taxonomy.php template and archive.php (or archive-profile_cct.php) in your theme folder and include the line <?php do_action("profile_cct_display_archive_controls"); ?> where you want t
he controls to appear. The plugin will function fine without this but it won’t be as easy for your users to search/filter/browse profiles. (The controls can be customized as well on the Settings page)
2. Use the Profile Navigation widget. It’ll include the fields you specified in the settings page.
3. Use the [profilenavigation] shortcode (More info in the shortcode section of this document.)

Note: Make sure you enable at least one navigation element in the Profiles->Settings page under the Settings tabNote: You can find examples of modifications that you could make to your theme, in the ‘examples’ folder in this plugin’s directory.

In addition, you may want to customize the search results page for profile_cct posts and only display the_excerpt() in the loop (the_excerpt() will output the list view as set on the profile settings pa

See the examples folder for examples of these theme modifications

For other uses you can use the [profilelist] and [profile] shortcodes to display profiles anywhere on a site.


  • [profilelist] shortcode –

[profilelist] by default shows all profiles in list view format

Filtering by taxonomy:[profilelist {taxonomyname} = "{taxonomyvalue}"] shows profiles that meet the specified criteria

You can specify multiple taxonomies to filter by, by default then only profiles that meet ALL the specified criteria will be displayed. Alternatively you can also add query=”or” to the shortcode to show
profiles meeting at least one of the criterias.

Filtering by letter:
[profilelist letter=”a”] returns all profiles where last name starts with letter ‘a’.

Ordering results:
[profilelist orderby = orderfield] where ‘orderfield’ is either first_name, last_name, or date. By default it will use the manual ordering specified on the Profiles->Order Profiles page
You can also show results in descending order, eg [profilelist orderby='first_name' order='desc']

Displaying more details:
use display=”full” to show full profiles, or display=”name” to only shows names. Default behaviour shows the list view as set in the settings.

Show a specific set of people:
[profilelist include=”id, id2, id3…”]
Displays the people with the corresponding id

  • [profile] shortcode –

With this shortcode you can display a single profile. (This can also be accomplished with the [profilelist] shortcode with the right parameters, but this is a more straightforward option)

Simply use [profile person="slug"] where slug is usually firstname-lastname.

By default the full view will be shown, but you can set display=”list” instead to show the list view.

  • [profilesearch] shortcode –

Display a search box (with jquery-ui Autocomplete) to search for profiles by name

  • [profilenavigation] shortcode –

Displays profile navigation. If no parameters are supplied it’ll rely on the options set in the settings page. If at least one parameter is supplied then the global settings will be ignored

display_searchbox=true to show the search box
display_alphabet=true to show the letter list
display_orderby=true to show the orderby field
display_tax=”comma separated list of taxonomies” to show dropdowns to filter by those taxonomies.

eg. [profilenavigation display_searchbox="true" display_tax="location, position"] will show a searchbox as well as two dropdown menus to filter by the two specified taxonomies

  • [profilefield] shortcode –
    This shortcode can only be used on a profile page. It pulls specific fields from the profile and render it at the shortcode. The display will mirror the settings that you configure in the Profile View Builder. These are the available parameters for the profilefield shortcode

  • type, set the id of the field that you want to get. (eg. name, bio, email, clone_lab_phone, phone)

  • show, determines which parts of a field are displayed. This corresponds to the “show / hide input area” checkboxes when you edit a field in the Profile View Builder. So for example, for the “name” field type, the valid options are “salutations”, “middle”, and “credentials”. The show parameter should be set to a comma separated list of the sections that you want to display, and will override the settings that you configured on the Profile View Builder.
  • html, if you set html=”false” then all html tags will be stripped out of the field. Allowing you to just get the information.
  • width, the width of this field. Valid options are “full”, “one-third”, “two-third”, or “half”. Note that if html=false then this option will do nothing.

eg. [profilefield type=name show="salutations, middle", html=false] will show the profile’s salutations as well as first, last, and middle name. The text will not be wrapped in any html, and so will not
have the usual header tags.


Git Plugin Name: profile-cct
Wordpress SVN Plugin Name: profile-custom-content-type
Main plugin file: profile-custom-content-type.php