Really Simple RfQ Form for WooCommerce

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About Really Simple RfQ Form for WooCommerce

Removes the 'Add to cart' button from WooCommerce and adds a simple 'Request for quotation' form on all product pages.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 3 years ago


There are some products or services that cannot be sold directly via shopping cart. This plugin allows your prospective customers to easily request a quotation from you using a simple and easy to use contact form.

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  • Simple and easy to use RfQ form with name, email, phone, questions or comments fields.
  • Uses AJAX submission and the user does not leave the page while sending the request.
  • Automatically adds the product name, SKU, picture and link in the request message.
  • Emails the requests using the built-in wp_mail() WordPress function.
  • No complicated settings. All is setup to go. Simply install it and it works.