Review Box

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About Review Box

Provides a simple shortcode to generate a box for writing reviews. Supports pros, cons, and a numerical score.






updated: 15 years ago
since: 15 years ago
author: Paradox


Provides a shortcode for use by reviewers.

Generates a box, for use in a post or page, with a section for Pros, a section for Cons, and a review bar.

The review bar is generated through CSS, and so the plugin contains NO images.


This plugin generates a simple shortcode to use.
That shortcode is [review pros="" cons="" score=]

The paramiters are required for proper output.
They are as follows
* pros: Anything you find good about the item being reviewed. Typically a comma seperated list
* cons: Anything bad about the product at hand. A comma seperated list as well
* score: This MUST be a number. There can be nothing following it, nor anything before it. A good example of the way to fill it out would be score=45 for an item that scored 45%

You can also provide the following optional paramiters, for your useage
* verdict: The final verdict for the item being reveiwed
* title: The title of the review box, defaults to review. Set it to none
to hide the title. You CAN enter shortcodes and html for custom links.