Shortcode for My Mitsu Estimation Form

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About Shortcode for My Mitsu Estimation Form

This plugin allows users to put a My Mitsu estimation form in your website.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Fumito MIZUNO


My Mitsu, is a webservice in Japan, allows users to create an estimation(calculation) form. A powerful form allows you to create a conditional form with calculation, and outputs a PDF file. It is suited for business persons.
Estimation Form Creator: My Mitsumori (written in Japanese.)

My Mitsu allows you to put a form into your WordPress website, by filling in a html code, like
<iframe src=”…” width=”…” height=”…”></iframe>

This plugin allows you to output an iframe html tag in a simple way. Simply filling in a shortcode will ouput an iframe html code.

[mymitsu]274[/mymitsu] will output <iframe src=”″ id=”mymitsu” width=”640″ height=”480″></iframe>

Optionally, a shortcode accepts an ID, width, and height as attributes.

[mymitsu id=”myform” width=”800″ height=”600″]274[/mymitsu] will output <iframe src=”″ id=”myform” width=”800″ height=”600″></iframe>

  • Note * In order to create an estimation form, you need to register My Mitsu .

Filter Sample

This plugin allows you to set your default values for ID, width, and height. You can alter them by hooking the “mymitsu_default_atts” filter. Here is a sample code.

add_filter( 'mymitsu_default_atts', 'my_atts' );
 function my_atts() {
     return array(
         'id' => 'mymitsu',
         'width' => 480,
         'height' => 640