SIBS woocommerce payment gateway

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About SIBS woocommerce payment gateway

Accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, MULTIBANCO and MB WAY with a single payment gateway solution.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: SIBS


A ready-to-service e-commerce solution, with integrated checkout positioning and BackOffice for merchant management. An interface for various national and international payment methods.

Why use SIBS Digital Payments Gateway for WooCommerce?

  • Unique platform for payment methods and brands relevant to your customers, with PCI DSS security certification.
  • Fraud prevention and detection in every channel and cards in the system.
  • Web responsive hosted SIBS payment page allowing you not to process sensitive data.
  • Allows the Acquirer choice for each payment method.
  • From the authenticated registration, SIBS keep the card sensitive data, allowing One Click Shopping experience.
  • Supports 3D Secure.
  • And more!

Integrated Checkout

SIBS Digital Payments Gateway Plugin for WooCommerce allows you to have an integrated checkout on your Web page, ensuring a good customer experience and better conversion rates.
Through COPYandPAY payment form direct integration in the shopping cart, you offer different payment methods to the customer in a safe way.

MULTIBANCO reference with real time configuration

SIBS Digital Payments Gateway is the unique solution in the market that allows immediate MULTIBANCO reference generation with fixed amount and expiry date validation, allowing a minute-by-minute payment management, real time notifications with the payment result, no additional SW costs and the refund of a paid MULTIBANCO reference to the customer.

Monitoring and reporting tools

The BackOffice allows you to view an activity summary in the entry page with given modules and configurable indicators, consult the transaction list with real time state updates, verify the transaction detail, act on a transaction (amount capture, transaction canceling and amount refund), activity monitoring through configurable reports (by period, payment method, operation type, etc…) and export visualized data or aggregated reports.

Better Fraud protection

SIBS Digital Payments Gateway offers the various prevention service components and systemic fraud detection implemented in the MULTIBANCO network, by PAYWATCH.

Integrated with the domestic banking system

Integrated with national issuers, processing and in the interbank clearing system.

  • Warranty *

The plugin is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. We shall not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or losses that occur out of the use or inability to use our products or support.
Before general release, the plugins are tested and guaranteed to function on basic installation of WordPress and regular Woocommerce. We do not, and cannot, assure that that it will function with all third-party plugins or in all web browsers, therefore, we cannot be held responsible for any conflicts that may occur in your installation.
It is our policy to support our plugins as best we can and we will provide support for third-party plugin conflicts at our discretion or as time allows.
We are not responsible for any data loss or other damages that may occur as a result of installing our plugins.

  • Acceptance *

By using the plugin you indicate that you have read and agreed and understood the terms above.
We reserve the right to change or modify the current terms.