We'll create fresh WordPress site with Simple PayPal Recurring Donations installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
This plugin allows you to accept recurring or one-off donations via PayPal from your website in a simple and elegant manner.
It has a user-friendly and simple shortcode that lets you place a donate form anywhere on your WordPress site. You can add the subscription donation widget to your sidebar, posts, pages etc.
The plugin creates a clean cusomisable form laid out using Flexbox which can be styled in your theme or with the WordPress Additional CSS functionality. The plugin is also “translation ready” for all strings used in the front end display.
The front end display consists of three sections, a collection of “presets” or buttons which trigger pre-defined weekly/monthly/yearly donations which recur indefinitely, a “besoke” section where users can choose their own amount, frequency and duration, and a section where users can make a one-off donation in their choice of amount.
Each of these sections can be turned on and off in the shortcode. The number of “presets”, their amount and frequency can also be specified and the “bespoke” section takes two forms: simple and advanced.
This plugin allows you to accept one time donations also, should you choose to enable it.
labelling.The setup is very simple and easy. Once you have installed the plugin, all you need to do is enter your PayPal Email address in the plugin settings and your site will be ready to accept recurring donations from users.
In it’s most basic form the shortcode, [sprdntplgn]
, will give you a functioning recurring donations form. By default there are no preset amounts, no one-off donation box and the bespoke section displays in advanced mode. You can use the options below within the shortcode to customise the form to your liking.
[sprdtnplgn presets="5.00:M|7.50:M|10.00:M"]
would create 3 buttons, one for 5.00 per month, one for 7.50 per month and one for 10,00 per month.one-off
Defaults to “0”.In order to place a widget on the sidebar, go to “Appearance -> Widgets” and add a new text widget. Now add the following shortcode to the text widget.
The shortcode takes all the same parameters in a Widget as it does on a page, though not all option combinations work will in a widge due to the space required.
This plugin was originally developed to support the work of Witney Talking News, a small charity in the UK delivering a vital service to local people who, due to sight loss, can no longer read the local news and keep in touch with their community.
The plugin is simple and requires no backend services to support it, so it costs me nothing to run. However if you feel you would like to make donation for using it, please do so to the charity who inspired it using the “Donate to Plugin” link.