Sticky Add To Cart Bar For WooCommerce

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About Sticky Add To Cart Bar For WooCommerce

Sticky Add To Cart Bar For WooCommerce is use to add sticky add to cart button on the product page of WooCommerce.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 4 years ago
author: addonsplus


Premium Version | Support | Variable Product Demo | Simple Product Demo

Sticky Add To Cart Bar For WooCommerce is used to add a sticky bar that has add to cart button with required product information. This plugin helps to increase the conversion rate of the product page.

When the content of the product is long, users often find it hard to click add to cart button because it is at the beginning of the page. This plugin will solve the issue by adding a sticky cart at the top or bottom of the page.

Most of the users are visiting the website on mobile devices. This plugin helps visitors to add a product to the cart.

The plugin comes with lots of customization options. With appearance features, it can match with the theme color.

The use of plugin is easy. After installing and activating the plugin, it works automatically on a single product page of woocommerce. From the setting page on the admin section of the plugin, you can customize and change the behavior and appearance of the plugin.

Sticky Add To Cart Bar For WooCommerce Features

  • Product Image
  • Product Name
  • Price
  • Star Rating
  • Review Count
  • Stock
  • Background Color
  • Quantity
  • Add To Cart Button
  • Product Name Color
  • Review Count Color
  • Star Color
  • Price Text Color
  • Stock Color
  • Out of Stock Color
  • The shape of the product image
  • Hide bar if product is out of stock (NEW)
  • Text of cart button (Pro Feature in community version)
    and many more…

Pro Features

  • Disable on products
  • Variable products drop down
  • Ajax add to cart
  • Redirect After Ajax add to cart
  • Enable on variable product
  • Animation of cart button
  • Background Image
  • Size of background image
  • Position of background image
  • Repeat Background
  • Star background Color
  • Price text background color
  • Sale/offer badge
  • Sale/offer badge Text
  • Sale/offer badge Text color
  • Sale/offer badge Background color
  • Background shape of product price
  • Cart Icon Image

Benefits of Sticky Add To Cart Bar For WooCommerce

Makes your mobile view more helpful to the visitors.
Customers can easily add a product to the cart.
Creates a sense of urgency.
Blends with the theme with tons of customization options.
Boosts your conversion rate (Which, is the most important thing in business).


If you love our Sticky Add To Cart Bar For WooCommerce plugin, please give us a five-star rating, so that we know that our work is valued and appreciated.
This will be the drive and motivation for us to further improve our plugins with more useful features.
We highly appreciate your support and love.

Pro Version

Pro Version Variable Product Demo