Taxonomy/Term and Role based Discounts for WooCommerce

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About Taxonomy/Term and Role based Discounts for WooCommerce

Lets you configure discounts/pricing rules for products based on any product taxonomy terms and WordPress user roles






updated: 10 months ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Marco Almeida | Webdados


Lets you configure discounts/pricing rules for products based on any WooCommerce product taxonomy terms (built-in or custom), in a very simple way.

The discount can be applied for all users, logged-in users or only for certain WordPress user roles.

Allows you to set a start and end date for each discount.

  • WPML compatible (ability to set discounts on different languages terms, not tested with multi-currency).
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions experimental support.

Discount types

  • Percentage: apply an absolute percentage discount to all the products on a specific taxonomy term;
  • Buy x get y free (BOGO): offer y items when x (of the same product) are bought;

Get more with the PRO add-on

  • “Discount Tag” custom taxonomy if you don’t want to use Categories, Tags or any other existing product taxonomy;
  • Set maximum amount of free items when using BOGO discounts;
  • Replace sale badge with discount percentage;
  • Show discount information (percentage and dates) on the product loop;
  • Show discount information (percentage and dates) on the product single page (mandatory on some legislations, like the Portuguese one, for example);
  • “Stop – no discount” rule that makes sure products from specific taxonomy terms never have a discount applied, even if there are other rules that will apply for other product taxonomy terms;
  • Exclude products already on sale from the discount rule;
  • Disable shipping methods based on cart items applied rules;
  • Set discount rules for non-logged-in users;
  • Developer mode – more info;
  • Technical support;
  • And more to come…
  • Get it now


  • The discounts are applied on a “per cart line” basis (not to sum of the products of the same taxonomy);
  • Only one rule is applied per cart line, so setting the priorities correctly is very important;
  • When aggregating product variations, the quantity will be the sum of the quantities of all the variations and the discount will be applied to all of them;
  • For WPML users, if you want the same discounts to apply on all the languages, you must replicate the rules for each of the terms translations
  • You can use the tdw_rule_add, tdw_rule_edit and tdw_rule_delete actions when adding, editing and deleting rules, to do whatever you want like, for example, clearing cache (check out to to use them here and send us cool examples of what you’ve done)

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