We'll create fresh WordPress site with TG Send SMS Notifications for WordPress and WooCommerce Twilio installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
TG SMS WP Notify will generate SMS for the Manager’s mobile number and/or Customer’s mobile number.
If enabled, the SMS are generated for the Manager’s number on the following actions:-
If enabled, the SMS are generated for the Customer’s number on the following actions:-
Currently, TG SMS Notify provides for sending with Twilio.
Please create an account for yourself on Twilio. They can send SMS all over the world and give out a few hundred SMS for free. I believe that would be more than you’d require for a small store.
We plan to release more features including adding more providers such as Twilio. If you have any particular provider that you’d prefer be integrated, drop us an email at [email protected]
Navigate to Settings > TG SMS Notify Settings
Fill the following Twilio details (these are essential for delivery)
* Twilio Account SId
* Twilio Auth Token
* Twilio From number
* Enter the Recipient Manager Number.
* The customer modules would want a valid incoming SMS-enabled numbers (Check your Twilio account dashboard for delivery enablement and pricing if you deliver orders worldwide and want the SMS to too).
All other fields are optional. The SMS would be generated for those enabled (checked). These are:-
Send SMS for Quantity Alert
Notify Customer on Ouder Processing
Except for the message related to Quantity Alert, all other messages could be customized here.