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About tinyCoffee

A WordPress donate button plugin with a twist - ask your supporters to treat you to a coffee, beer or other beverage of your choice.






updated: 6 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Arūnas Liuiza


Ask your supporters to treat you to a cup of coffee, pint of beer or some other simple treat. It is a more creative way to ask for donations via PayPal. You can test this out live on the demo site.

You can use this as:

  • Template tag get_coffee()/the_coffee()
  • Shortcode [coffee]/[tiny_coffee]
  • Sidebar widget
  • Hash-activated modal screen (domain.com#coffee)

If you like my work and want to support development of my open source WordPress plugins, please consider becoming my patron at Patreon.

Also, try out my other plugins:

  • Gust – a Ghost-like admin panel for WordPress, featuring Markdown based split-view editor.
  • tinySocial – a simple way to add social sharing linkst to Your WordPress posts via shortcodes.
  • tinyTOC – automatic Table of Contents, based on H1-H6 headings in post content.
  • tinyIPPremium – stop WordPress users from sharing login information, force users to be logged in only from one device at a time.