We'll create fresh WordPress site with TouchBase Mail Subscribe Form installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
The TouchBase Mail Subscribe Form plugin provides an easy way to get more subscribers by allowing you to place a
one-click subscribe form on any page, post, or html widget using a shortcode.
This form allows your followers to subscribe to your email lists.
It allows you to specify form defaults in the WordPress admin settings and provides shortcode attributes to override
those values for a specific page or post. This plugin is based off of the
Remote Subscription Form help article.
Two form styles are available, wide and vertical, see the Additional Configuration section for more details.
After you have the plugin up and running you may want to configure how each shortcode instance behaves. To change the
behavior there are several shortcode attributes available.
There are two styles available for changing the look of the form:
The default style is the wide format. To change to the vertical format you can use the following:
[touchbase_subscribe_form format=vertical]
For each of the settings you’ve defined in the admin panel, you can override them for each shortcode instance. The attributes
are as follows:
These can be specified the same as other shortcode attributes:
[touchbase_subscribe_form format=vertical list=123]