User Avatar

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About User Avatar

Provides a thumbnail area in Your Profile, for users to upload & crop new images in an overlay to be saved and stored to their profile.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 14 years ago
author: Enej Bajgoric / Gagan Sandhu / CTLT DEV


1.4.7 is a Security Fix Please update your plugin to the latest version

This plugin provides a thumbnail area in the Your Profile section, where users can upload & crop new images in an overlay and upon cropping the image, the new image will be saved and stored. This gives users with any role the chance to easily upload an image and view their current thumbnail, all in one go. In Discussion, the default image associated with the user will be replaced with the user avatar image uploaded and this will then be the image shown in comments and also in People Lists (see below).

This plugin was developed for People Lists and this plugin provides a rich text editor on the profile page for easy modifications of specific user profile information that can be displayed on any page using the [people-lists list=example-list] shortcode. Admins will also be able to add custom fields to the Your Profile section on WordPress and these fields can be displayed on any page using the People Lists template (which can be styled using HTML) that provides codes for every field that is desired to be displayed. There is a specific code in People Lists that hooks this thumbnail into your lists template display, so grab People Lists plugin as well!!

Take a look at the screenshots!

This plugin was developed using PHP 5.1 and hasn’t been tested on other version of php
But if you are able to run upload picture and set them as featured image then you
also shouldn’t be have problems using this plugin.