SX User Name Security

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About SX User Name Security

SX User Name Security prevents WordPress from showing your real Login everywhere. It ovverides the body_class function, User Nicename, Nickname and Di …






updated: 8 months ago
since: 11 years ago


WordPress show your WordPress login and ID in several places. It’s time to fix this !

  • WordPress automaticaly uses “User login” to fill in the “User Display Name”.
  • WordPress also allows everyone to use the same value for Nickname, Display Name and Login.
  • The body_class function also shows to everyone your User ID and Login on author pages.

A hacker can easily see then use your “NickName” or “Display Name” to find your real login. Once activated, SX User Name Security will prevent WordPress from showing those informations, and will warn you if you need to fix old users.


Body_class function:

  • Removes User ID from body_class function (front-end users pages)
  • Removes User Nicename from body_class function (front-end users pages)

Current User informations:

  • The plugin changes “Display Name” and “Nickname” to a random value (like ‘Ticibe T. Aduvoguripe’, ‘Lagubo N. Agigerovibe’ or ‘Datela N. Orejadavino’) if they are identiqual to user login
  • If not, it changes “Display Name” to “Nickname” or “Nickname” to “Display Name” if one of them is identiqual to user login

New Registration:

  • Display Name and Nickname are changed to random value during user registration.
  • Nicename is also changed (it’s used to generate the user permalink on the front-end). For previous user, a notice has been added to use another plugin to safely change old nicenames.

Other information:

All functions are translated into french and english.

You can find me here on SeoMix, and here is the official french post about this plugin

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