Product Customer List for WooCommerce

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About Product Customer List for WooCommerce

Display a list of customers who bought a specific product at the bottom of the product edit page in WooCommerce and send them e-mails.






updated: 11 months ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Kokomo


A plugin that simply displays a list of customers who bought a specific product at the bottom of the WooCommerce product edit page or as a shortcode. You can also send an email to the list of customers, print the list or export it as a CSV, PDF or Excel file. Requires WooCommerce 2.2+ to be installed and activated.

Great for sending out e-mails or getting a list of customers for courses, for shows or for product recalls.


  • Support for variable products
  • Options page to select which info columns to display
  • Displays customer name, email, phone number, address, order number, order date, shipping method, order total and quantity for each product
  • Shortcode to display orders in the front-end. You can select which information to display using attributes
  • Button to e-mail all customers for a specific product using your favorite e-mail client (b.c.c.)
  • Email selected customers
  • Export the customer list to CSV (great for importing into Mailchimp!)
  • Export the customer list to Excel
  • Export the customer list to PDF (choose your orientation and page size in the settings)
  • Copy the customer list to clipboard
  • Print the list of customers
  • Search any column in the list
  • Sort by any column in the list
  • Drag and drop columns to reorder them
  • Localized and WPML / Polylang ready (.pot file included)
  • Included translations: French, French (France), French (Canada), Spanish, Dutch, Dutch (Netherlands), Dutch (Belgium).
  • All functions are pluggable
  • Performance oriented
  • Responsive
  • Multisite compatible
  • Support for custom statuses
  • Support for High Performance Order Storage (HPOS)

Premium version:

  • Support for Custom Fields
  • Support for User meta
  • Support for WooCommerce Custom Fields (RightPress)
  • Support for WooTours
  • Support for WooEvents
  • Support for YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons
  • Support for Conditional Woo Checkout Field Pro
  • Support for Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce (Themehigh)
  • Support for WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor (WooCommerce)
  • Support for WooCommerce Product Add-ons
  • Support for WooCommerce Subscriptions (WooCommerce)
  • Support for WooCommerce Product Bundles (WooCommerce)
  • Shortcode by variation ID
  • Datatables functionalities for the shortcode (export PDF, export CSV, print, email customers, search, paging, etc…).
  • Change default sorting column
  • Premium support
  • Premium updates
  • Much more coming soon!

To upgrade the plugin to the premium version, simply click on “upgrade” under the plugin title in the plugin list page, or purchase it here.


Please see documentation here.


, freemius
* Support for variable products: Alexandre Simard
* Dutch translation: pieterclaesen
* Portuguese (Brazil) translation: Marcello Ruoppolo