We'll create fresh WordPress site with WooCommerce Better Usability installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Takes ~10 seconds to install.
About WooCommerce Better Usability
Provides overall improvements of the user experience when buying products in a WooCommerce based store. The areas of that the improvements was include …
Provides overall improvements of the user experience when buying products in a WooCommerce based store. The areas of that the improvements was included are: Shop, Product, Cart and Checkout.
Free version features:
Auto refresh the price totals on cart page when quantity changes using AJAX
Show “-” and “+” buttons around the quantity field
Show confirmation before user changes quantity to zero
Go to checkout directly instead of cart page (simplified buy process)
Allow to delete or change quantity on checkout page
Allow to change product quantity direct on shop page
Allow to add to cart AJAX on product page (like on shop)
Ability to override various default things of WooCommerce
Hide quantity fields on Product and Cart pages
Premium version features:
Synchronize products automatically with cart when change quantity view demo
Update price automatically in Product and Shop pages, like on cart view demo
Change product variations directly in Shop page, meaning less clicks to buy view demo
Synchronize with MiniCart widget from Shop or Product pages view demo
Make AJAX requests to delete product on checkout page, without full page reload view demo
Allow to change quantities in Mini-Cart widget view demo