C4D Woo Countdown Sale Product

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About C4D Woo Countdown Sale Product

Create countdown clock for sale products. This plugin help you to increase CRT.






updated: 6 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Coffee4Dev


This Woocommerce countdown plugin makes site customers look forward to the launch. It creates the “I can’t wait!” feeling that you want your customer to buy.

Countdown times really work for conversions. It is human nature to want to wait and think about it before making a purchase, but it is also human nature to take action if we think that the offer is going to expire! That is why these timers convert so well!

How it work

Insert shortcode with id of Sale product. You can use it in post/page or PHP code.

For post/page

[c4d_wcd_clock id="product_id"]


<?php echo do_shortcode('[c4d_wcd_clock id="product_id"]'); ?>

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