Woo Lock Downloads to IP

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About Woo Lock Downloads to IP

This plugin allows you to restrict the downloads only by the customer IP or the IP range.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Aman Saini


How it works

Every customer IP Address is recorded on checkout.

Lock by User IP: If you have applied the Lock by User IP then recorded IP address of customer is matched with the current IP . If it doesn’t match then an error message is shown

Lock by IP Range: If you have applied the Lock by IP Range then recorded IP address of customer is matched with the IP Range you have entered . If it doesn’t match then an error message is shown

The error message can be changed from the plugin admin.


  • Supports Customer IP locking on Downloads
  • Supports IP Range Locking
  • Option to bypass certain customer’s from this restriction
  • Makes your product secure by restricting unauthorised downloads

Check the documentation for more info.

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