Mini Cart Drawer For WooCommerce

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About Mini Cart Drawer For WooCommerce

Woo Mini Cart Drawer is an interaction mini cart with many styles, color and effects for WooCommerce. You can change quantity of a product and also ca …






updated: 6 months ago
since: 4 years ago
author: appsbd


Woo Mini Cart Drawer is an interaction mini cart with many styles, color and effects for WooCommerce. You can change quantity of a product and also can remove from cart. It has nice control panel aslo has customizer panel. By this you can change the its configuration with live preview. It is fully ajax based mini cart.

Intro Video

Live Demo

Free Version
– Mini cart drawer & configuration
– WP Customizer Configuration

Pro Features
– All Free Features
– Mini cart drawer configuration
– Mini cart drawer coupon input configuration
– Sale Booster Module ( Dynamic Discount)
– Premium Support

Mini Cart Pro Link:

Full Video