Photo Reviews for WooCommerce

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About Photo Reviews for WooCommerce

Photo Reviews for WooCommerce is an ultimate review plugin for WooCommerce which helps you send review reminder emails, allows customers to post revie …






updated: 11 months ago
since: 7 years ago
author: VillaTheme


Photo Reviews for WooCommerce is an ultimate review plugin for WooCommerce which helps you send review reminder emails, allows customers to post reviews include product pictures and send thank you emails with WooCommerce coupons to customers.

  • Send review reminder emails asking customers to review their purchased products.

  • Allows customers posting reviews include product pictures.

  • Send thank you email with a coupon code when a customer review is published.

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  • Plugin works based on WooCommerce plugin.

  • It is released on and you can use plugin as free to build themes for sale.


PHOTO REVIEWS:The plugin WooCommerce Photo Reviews allows your customers to post pictures along with their product review. This feature will help you to create a social proof of your product and increase conversion rate.

  • Photo review: The plugin allows customers to attach pictures to reviews and display that pictures along with the review on the front-end.

  • Maximum picture size: Set a maximum picture size that customers can attach to their reviews.

  • Photos required: Reviews must include a picture to be uploaded.

  • Display by time: Select to display the newest or oldest review first on front-end.

  • Overall rating & Rating count: Show the average rating, total number of reviews and the number of each rating in an intuitive and friendly way

  • Review Filter: Filter reviews by rating, contain pictures or verified buyers

  • GDPR compliance: The plugin will display a message and a checkbox at the review form that allows customers to agree to share the review on your page.

  • Edit reviews: Admin can edit review text, change review images…

REVIEW REMINDER:After a scheduled time from when an order is marked as complete. The plugin will send a review reminder email to the customer, asking to review the product. To encourage the customer to take pictures of the product and leave a review, the plugin will offer them a discount coupon. The plugin only sends a review reminder if a customer has never reviewed the item before.

  • Review reminder email: Send emails to customers who purchased products, offering them coupons to encourage them posting review

  • Configure review reminder email: Configure the review reminder email sending to customers using shortcode {customer_name}

COUPON FOR REVIEW:The plugin will generate coupons and send to review authors. This prize will encourage customers to post reviews and it also increases your profit when they use the coupon.

  • Send coupon email: the plugin will send an email coupon whenever a review which qualifies the requirement is published.

  • Use existing coupons: you select to send existing WooCommerce coupons as a prize.

  • Auto-generate coupons: set up the plugin to generate unique coupons and send it along with the coupon emails. You can set up the plugin to generate coupons with all WooCommerce Coupon settings.

  • Photos required: you can select to send coupons to authors of reviews include photos only.

  • Minimum rating required: set a minimum rating review can get a coupon.

  • Verified owners required: the only reviews from the verified owner can get a coupon.

  • Configure coupon email: configure the coupon email sending to customers using shortcode {customer_name} {coupon_code} {date_expires}

FRONT-END DESIGNS:The plugin provides such many design option for you to change the review module to fit with your website interface.

  • Front-end style: there are 2 front-end styles for you to select. The Grid style and the default style.

  • Background-color: helps you to change the background color of the review section.

  • Text color: you can change the review text.

  • Review date: you can choose to display the review date on front-end.

  • Review Rating Count: display overall rating on the front-end.

  • Full-size images: allows customers to display review image full size.

  • Custom CSS: you can add your CSS code to change the front-end design as you want.


AJAX PAGINATION AND FILTER: Do not reload page when users want to view other review page or select a filter. When this function is on, you can also select default filters which are selected when your customers visit product or reviews page

REVIEW TITLE: Users now can add title for their reviews like when you review a plugin on

REVIEW IMAGE FOLDER: Now you can put images from reviews uploaded by your users to a folder and reviews imported from AliExpress to a different folder for later modification

POPUP TYPE: You can make only review images clickable or disable popup for masonry style. With normal style, lightbox effect can be applied to review images

IMPORT ALIEXPRESS REVIEWS:The plugin allows you to import reviews from AliExpress by using AliExpress product IDs. Import using product ID: Using an AliExpress product ID to import reviews from that products to a selected WooCommerce product.

  • Phrases filter: This helps you automatically replace unwanted letters/words/phrases within review author name and review content before reviews are imported to your store

  • Selected Ratings: Choose which review ratings will be imported

  • Included pictures: Select to import only reviews that include pictures

  • Translate to English: AliExpress has a feature to translate reviews into English. This option of WooCommerce Photo Review allows you to select to import translated reviews of import original reviews.

  • Mark imported review as Verified owner: The imported reviews will be marked with a “Verified owner” badge, that means the reviews come from people who purchased.

  • Download picture: If you select the download picture option, review pictures will be download to your website database. If not, the plugin will use the AliExpress pictures (with URLs to to display review pictures.

  • Country: Select to import reviews from specific countries

  • Number of reviews: Select how many reviews will be imported. A product on can have thousands of reviews and you may not want to import all of those reviews. So this option will help you to set a limit on reviews will be imported.

IMPORT/EXPORT REVIEWS:The plugin allows you to import/export reviews using CSV files

  • Export review: the plugin allows you to export existing reviews to a CSV file. The exported file includes author, author email, comment date, comment content, rating, review image links, user ID…

  • Date: you can select a time range to export reviews.

  • Products: Select the products which you want to export reviews.

  • Categories: select the categories which you want to export reviews from.

  • Rating: select the review rating you want to export. For example, you want to export only 4-stars and 5-stars reviews.

  • Comment status: select comment status of review you want to export. For example, you want to export only approved reviews.

  • Import review: you can import review using CSV files as well. The import review CSV has the same structure as the export CSV file.

OPTIONAL FIELDS:With this option, you can create multiple optional fields and set values for those fields. Then customers can select these value when they leave a review. The optional fields option help to provide more information about the product.

  • Create optional fields: you can create multiple fields and set the values of each field. For example, you can create a color field, and set values are Blue, Black, Red, etc.

  • Select field value: when a customer leaves a review, they can select a value of the field which you created. For example, a customer reviews a shirt and he can select the size is “XL”.

  • Create fields from variations: the plugin will automatically create fields and values from your product variations.

SHORTCODES:The plugin provides 3 shortcodes. A shortcode to allows you to displays product reviews at anywhere you want. And the other shortcode which displays a review form, allows customers to leave a review about their purchased products.

  • Product rating shortcode is used to display rating of a product:


  • The shortcode to display reviews:

[wc_photo_reviews_shortcode comments_per_page=”10″ cols=”4″ cols_gap=”” products=”” grid_bg_color=”” grid_item_bg_color=”” text_color=”” star_color=”” product_cat=”” order=”” orderby=”comment_date_gmt” show_product=”on” filter=”on” pagination=”on” pagination_position=”” conditional_tag=”” custom_css=”” ratings=”” mobile=”” style=”masonry” overall_rating=”off” rating_count=”off” only_images=”off”]

comments_per_page: number of comments per page. comments_per_page=”10″

cols: number of grid columns. Example: cols=”5″

cols_gap: gap between grid columns(px). Example:cols_gap=”30″

products: display reviews of which products, enter product IDs. Example: products=”99,100″

grid_bg_color: grid background color. Example: grid_bg_color=”#000000″

grid_item_bg_color: grid item background color. Example: grid_item_bg_color=”#3c3c3c”

text_color: reviews text color. Example: text_color=”#ffffff”

star_color: rating stars color. Example: star_color=”yellow”

product_cat: display reviews of products in which category. Example:product_cat=”men”

order: sort reviews ASC or DESC. Example: order=”asc”

orderby: select how you would like to sort reviews. “comment_agent”, “comment_approved”, “comment_author”, “comment_author_email”, “comment_author_IP”, “comment_author_url”, “comment_content”, “comment_date”, “comment_date_gmt”, “comment_ID”, “comment_karma”, “comment_parent”, “comment_post_ID”, “comment_type”, “user_id”, “comment__in”, “meta_value”, “meta_value_num”. Example:orderby=”comment_date_gmt”

show_product: show product summary on Mansory popup, ON/OFF. Example: show_product=”on”

filter: show filter bar, ON/OFF. Example:filter=”on”

pagination: turn pagination ON/OFF. Example:pagination=”on”

pagination_ajax: turn ajax pagination ON/OFF. Example: pagination_ajax=”on”

pagination_position: select left/right/center. Example: pagination_position=”center”

conditional_tag: enter conditional tags to select pages you want to display the review. In case you paste the shortcode in an area which appears on many pages, use this option to select which pages you want the shortcode to run. Example: conditional_tag=”is_page(35)”

custom_css: allows you to add your custom CSS code.

ratings: select which rating you want to display. Example: display only 4 and 5 stars reviews, ratings=”4,5″

mobile: ON/OFF, select if you want the shortcode to run on mobile devices. Example: mobile=”on”

style: select the front-end style mansory/normal. Example: style=”masonry”

overall_rating: ON/OFF select if you want to display the overall rating. Example: overall_rating=”on”

rating_count: ON/OFF select if you want to display the rating count module. Example:rating_count=”on”

only_images: ON/OFF select if you want to display only reviews which have images. Example: only_images=”on”

  • The shortcode to display the review form:

[woocommerce_photo_reviews_form] This shortcode helps you to display a review form. There are 3 ways to use it.

Display in single product pages: Paste the shortcode [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form] into product description to display a review form for that product on front-end.

Add product ID: Add a product ID into the shortcode [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id=””] by adding the product ID you can create a review form for a specific product and display it on any page.


  • Registered-account email is required: only send coupons if the author’s email is registered an account

  • Required products: only selected products review can get a coupon.

  • Exclude products to give coupon: select products that reviews on these products will not receive a coupon

  • Required categories: only selected categories review can get a coupon.

  • Exclude categories to give coupon: select categories that reviews on products in that categories will not receive a coupon.

  • Coupon code prefix: select a prefix for coupons created by WooCommerce Photo Reviews.


  • Auto-login: When customers click on the link in their Review Reminder Email, they will be automatically login to their account on your site.

  • Products Restriction: Select which products will review reminder works.

  • Cancel/send reminders: If for some reasons you don’t want to send review reminders which were scheduled before, just go to admin orders page and look for order you want to cancel reminder and select cancel reminder from bulk actions. You can also send review reminders immediately or send reminders for orders that were completed before this plugin is active on your site.

  • REVIEW NOW button: Include a review now button with the link lead to the single product page. You can customize button color, background color, title, link…

  • Create a review page: Use the shortcode [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form] to create a review page, then add the review page in the Review Reminder tab. Customers who click on the Review now button in Review Reminder email will be redirected to this page. And they can review the product so easily.

  • Exclude products/categories: select which products/categories will receive a review reminder email.

  • Exclude non-coupon given products: enable this if you mean to offer a coupon for reviews in review reminder. The plugin will not send a review reminder email with non-coupon given products.

ADD REVIEW MANUALLY:WooCommerce Photo Reviews provides a review form, allows Admin to add review manually.

MULTILINGUAL SUPPORT:If WPML or Polylang is active on your site, you will be able to send reviews reminder or coupon emails in your customers language

HELPFUL BUTTONS:Customers can up-vote or down-vote reviews to show if those reviews are helpful to them or not


SUBRE – Product Subscription for WooCommerce: Convert WooCommerce simple products(physical or downloadable/virtual) to subscription products and allow recurring payments

Clear Autoptimize Cache Automatically: Clear Autoptimize cache automatically by cache amount or by time interval

FEWC – WooCommerce Extra Checkout Fields: Manage checkout fields using WordPress Customizer

EPOW – Custom Product Options for WooCommerce: Add extra options for products using frontend form builder

ChinaDS – Taobao Dropshipping for WooCommerce: Another Taobao dropshipping solution for WooCommerce stores

9MAIL – WordPress Email Templates Designer: A useful tool for creating and customizing WordPress emails

EPOI – WP Points and Rewards: Points and Rewards system for a WordPress website

WebPOS – Point of Sale for WooCommerce: Point of Sale solution for WooCommerce stores

Jagif – WooCommerce Free Gift: Giving gifts to your customers can never be more easier

Coreem – Coupon Reminder for WooCommerce: Send emails to customers to remind them of their coupons, especially ones which are about to expire

COMPE – WooCommerce Compare Products: Help your customers compare two or more products to find out the right one they need

W2S – Migrate WooCommerce to Shopify: Migrate WooCommerce products to Shopify easily via the official Shopify REST Admin API

REDIS – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts: Create flexible pricing rules for products

EXMAGE – WordPress Image Links: Save storage by using external image URLs

Pofily – WooCommerce Product Filters: Advanced filters for WooCommerce

Bopo – Woo Product Bundle Builder: Let the plugin provide your customers with a very flexible and convenient way to purchase bundles

WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types: Save time editing posts/pages/attachment… and other custom post types except for ones created by WooCommerce(product, shop_order and shop_coupon)

Bulky – Bulk Edit Products for WooCommerce: Quickly and easily edit your products in bulk. This plugin will save you tons of time editing products.

Catna – Woo Name Your Price and Offers: Name Your Price and Offers

Product Size Chart For WooCommerce: A simple but flexible solution to create size charts for your products

Product Pre-Orders for WooCommerce: Product size Chart for WooCommerce customize and design the size chart of specific products or categories.

Cart All In One For WooCommerce: All cart features you need in one simple plugin

Email Template Customizer for WooCommerce: Customize WooCommerce emails to make them more beautiful and professional after only several mouse clicks

ALD – Dropshipping and Fulfillment for AliExpress and WooCommerce: Free dropshipping solution – Transfer data from AliExpress products to WooCommerce effortlessly and fulfill AliExpress orders automatically

Product Variations Swatches for WooCommerce: Professional and beautiful colors, buttons, images, variation images and radio variations swatches

Orders Tracking for WooCommerce: Import orders tracking number and send tracking info to customers

Abandoned Cart Recovery For WooCommerce: Capture abandoned carts & send reminder emails to customers.

Import Shopify to WooCommerce: Import Shopify to WooCommerce plugin help you import all products from your Shopify store to WooCommerce

Customer Coupons for WooCommerce: Display coupons on your website

Virtual Reviews for WooCommerce: Virtual Reviews for WooCommerce helps generate virtual reviews, display canned reviews for newly created store

Thank You Page Customizer for WooCommerce: Customize your Thank You page and give coupons to customers after a successful order

Sales Countdown Timer: Create a sense of urgency with a countdown to the beginning or end of sales, store launch or other events

Suggestion Engine for WooCommerce: The easiest way helps you sell more products by search engine and suggested product form your WooCommerce store.

EU Cookies Bar: A very simple plugin which helps your website comply with Cookie Law

Lucky Wheel for WooCommerce: Offer customers to spin for coupons by entering their emails.

WordPress Lucky Wheel: WordPress Lucky Wheel gives you the best solution to get emails address from visitors of your WordPress website

Advanced Product Information for WooCommerce: Display more intuitive information of products such as sale countdown, sale badges, who recently bought products, rank of products in their categories, available payment methods…

LookBook for WooCommerce: Create beautiful Lookbooks, Shoppable with Product Tags

Product Builder for WooCommerce: Allows your customers to build a full product set from small parts step by step. The plugin works base on WooCommerce with many useful features like compatible, email completed product, attributes filters.

Boost Sales for WooCommerce: Increase profit on every single order with Up-selling and Cross-selling

Free Shipping Bar for WooCommerce: Use free shipping as a marketing tool, encourage customers to pay more for free shipping.

Notification for WooCommerce: Social Proof Marketing plugin. Live recent order on the front-end of your site.

CURCY – Multi Currency for WooCommerce: Switches to different currencies easily and accepts payment with only one currency or all currencies.

Coupon Box for WooCommerce: Subscribe emails for discount coupons


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