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Official Vipps MobilePay payment plugin for WooCommerce. Let your Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish customers pay with Vipps and MobilePay for an easy, fast, and familiar shopping experience
Vipps is used by more than 77 % of Norway’s population (4.2 million users).
MobilePay is used by more than 75 % of Denmark’s population (4.4 million users), and more than 36 % of Finland’s population (2 million users).
Vipps and MobilePay are payment methods offered by Vipps MobilePay.
When you enable this plugin, you will choose between offering either Vipps or MobilePay as a payment method for your customers – hence “Vipps/MobilePay” going forward.
This is the official plugin for Vipps/MobilePay Checkout, Vipps/MobilePay ePayments (Vipps Nettbetaling), and Vipps Express Checkout (Vipps Hurtigkasse). Increase your conversion rate by letting your customers choose Vipps/MobilePay directly in the checkout or even do an Express Checkout (Vipps only) from the cart or a product page directly.
You can also do important back office tasks such as capture and refund directly from WooCommerce. Easy for your customer and easy for you.
Read information from Vipps about the plugin.
With Vipps/MobilePay Checkout enabled in the plugin, you will get a complete checkout in your webshop, designed by Vipps MobilePay. It contains regular Vipps/MobilePay payments, a card payment option for those that can’t or won’t use Vipps/MobilePay, as well as the ability to get the shipping address of the customer in an easy way. Read more about Vipps Checkout here
When you enable this plugin, your customers will be able to choose Vipps/MobilePay as a payment method in the checkout. There is no need to go via a third party payment method. If your customer choose Vipps/MobilePay, they fill in their name and address and is then asked to enter their phone number in the Vipps/MobilePay dialogue. They then confirms the payment in the Vipps/MobilePay app. Customer info like name and address is sent to the store from Vipps MobilePay.
When a payment is completed with Vipps Mobilepay, the money will be reserved, but only transferred to the merchant when the order is set to “Complete” or the money is captured manually. For Mobilepay, this reservation period is 7 days, so you will need to ship and fulfill orders before this; or to make an agreement with the customer to capture the money before this period is over. For Vipps, the period is 180 days. For payments made by credit card in Vipps/MobilePay Checkout, the period can again be as short as 7 days.
For details, please read the developer FAQ.
If the order only contains virtual and downloadable products, the plugin will capture the order automatically and set the order to “Completed” as is the standard WooCommerce rule.
When you enable Express Checkout, your customers can choose between the regular checkout or to go directly to Vipps. If they choose Vipps, they just submit their phone number, and the rest of the checkout is done in the Vipps app.
Since Vipps knows who the customers are, they don’t have to enter all their personal information. The customer just choose the shipping method and accepts the payment. Vipps will send all the necessary info back to the store. Easy, fast and secure.
The express checkout can be done in the following ways:
Settings for the cart, category and product pages can be found in the WooCommerce settings for the Vipps payment gateway.
Shareable links and QR codes can be generated from the Vipps tab on the product page.
This project is hosted on Github at: https://github.com/vippsas/vipps-woocommerce
From version 1.10.0, this plugin implements the Vipps Order Management API, sending a receipt to the customers’ app, and sending the order confirmation link as the Order Confirmation link category. You can, using this api, send over an image and a link for the categories receipt (RECEIPT), ticket (TICKET), shipping (DELIVERY), booking (BOOKING) and a general category (GENERAL).
For instance, if you have a page or url for tracking shipping, you can add this to the customers’ app by extending the ‘woo_vipps_add_order_categories’ filter like so:
add_filter('woo_vipps_add_order_categories', function ($categories, $order, $gateway) {
$shippingpagedata = array(
'link' => <your shipping URL here>,
'image' => <filename or attachment ID of your illustration for shipping here, if required>,
'imagesize' => <for attachments, the image size to use>);
$categories['DELIVERY'] = $shippingpagedata;
return $categories;
}, 10, 3);
You can similarily send ticket information (with e.g. a QR code) for the TICKET or BOOKING category and so forth.
From version 1.1.13 you can also modify the javascript using the new WP hooks library for javascript:
* ‘vippsBuySingleProduct’ – action which is run whenever a customer tries to buy a single product using express checkout
* ‘vippsBuySingleProductCompatMode’ – filter which should return true or false, if true, the compatibility mode action will be run instead of the standard ajax.
* ‘vippsBuySingleProductCompatModeAction’ – filter which should return a javascript function to run when buying a product and compatibility mode is on. Will normally press the “Buy” button for you.
* ‘vippsRemoveErrorMessages’ – runs when Vipps error messages are to be removed.
* ‘vippsErrorMessage’ – runs for every Vipps error message added with Javascript. Takes the message as an argument
* ‘vippsAddErrorMessage’ – runs when an error message is about to be added. Takes the message as an argument
* ‘vippsInit’ – runs when a page with a Vipps button is initialzed
* ‘vippsStatusCheckErrorHandler’ – A filter that should return function taking a statustext and an error object. It receives the default error handler, and is called when checking the order status with ajax for some reason ends up in an error.