All In One SEO Pack for WooCommerce

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About All In One SEO Pack for WooCommerce

Manage All in One SEO Pack meta details for WooCommerce Products within the Add/Edit Products view within the WordPress Administration.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Visser Labs


This Plugin extends the All in One SEO Pack Plugin (by Michael Torbert) to display the All in One SEO Pack dialog on the Add/Edit Products screen within WooCommerce.
Without this Plugin you cannot add/edit/manage All in One SEO Pack meta details which is why I developed this solution.

Some features:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Keywords
  • Title Attributes
  • Menu Title
  • Disable Product

For more information visit:


  1. Open Products and edit a Product
  2. Under All in One SEO Pack add SEO meta details
  3. Press Update to save changes

That’s it!


If you have any problems, questions or suggestions please join the members discussion on my WooCommerce dedicated forum.


It is not responsible for any harm or wrong doing this Plugin may cause. Users are fully responsible for their own use. This Plugin is to be used WITHOUT warranty.