We'll create fresh WordPress site with WooCommerce Basic Ordernumbers installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
The most flexible and complete solution for your WooCommerce webshop to customize your order numbers!
By default, WooCommerce uses the WordPress post ID of the order, which result in gaps between the order numbers. With this plugin you can configure the order numbers to have consecutive counters. Furthermore, the order number can contain the year, and the counter can be configured to reset each year.
The number format is a simple string, where # indicates the counter.
To get order numbers like “WC-376”, “WC-377”, “WC-378”, etc., simply set the format to “WC-#”.
The plugin comes in two flavors:
For the full documentation of both the basic and the advanced ordernumbers plugin for WooCommerce, see: