WooCommerce Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing

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About WooCommerce Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing

This plugin integrates the Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing Tracking pixel with customized ecommerce variables in a WooCommerce shop.






updated: 2 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: SweetCode


This plugin is deprecated. All its features and much more has been merged into our main plugin, the Pixel Manager for WooCommerce.

Do you have a WooCommerce shop and want to run dynamic remarketing campaigns with Google Ads? This plugin will insert the customized remarketing pixel on all your shop pages. Google Ads will then be able to collect customer behaviour data (product viewers, buyers, order value, cart abandoners, etc). Based on this data you will be able to run targeted remarketing campaigns.


  • WooCommerce
  • WooCommerce Google Product Feed plugin or something similar to upload the products to the Google Merchant Center
  • Google Merchant Center Account with all products uploaded
  • Google Ads account with a configured remarketing tag

Highlights of this plugin

  • Easy to install
  • Accurate. Several methods have been build in to avoid tracking of shop managers, deduplication of purchases, etc.

Cookie Consent Management

The plugin uses data from several Cookie Consent Management plugins to avoid injecting the tracking pixel, in case a visitor doesn’t want to be tracked by third party pixels.

It works with the following Cookie Consent Management plugins:

It is also possible for developers of Cookie Consent Management plugins to deactivate our plugin with a filter, in case a visitor opts out of third party pixel tracking. Simply use the following code:

add_filter( 'wgdr_third_party_cookie_prevention', '__return_true' );

Installation support

Installing the plugin is pretty simple. Just activate it and enter the conversion ID and if necessary the product prefix.

If you also need to to set up the Google Merchant Center first the entire setup becomes more complex. If you would like us to do the setup for you please contact us for an offer: [email protected]

Similar plugins

If you like this plugin, have a look at our other Google Ads related plugin: WooCommerce Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Support Info

We will only support installations which run the most current versions of WordPress and WooCommerce.

More information

Please find more information about Google Ads remarketing on following pages:

Dynamic Display Ads
Dynamic Remarketing