WooCommerce – PayU Latam Gateway

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About WooCommerce – PayU Latam Gateway

PayU Latam Payment Gateway for WooCommerce. Recibe pagos por internet en latinoamérica desde cualquier parte del mundo.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 11 years ago


WooCommerce is a powerful, extendable eCommerce plugin that helps you sell anything. Beautifully.

PayU Latam – la plataforma de procesamiento de pagos en linea de América Latina, Crea tu Cuenta aqui.

Both are now one of the best choices to start an eCommerece site in latinoamerica, fast and easy.
* “WooCommerce” is an open source application
* “PayU Latam” is offering payment collection with no setup cost.

To test the payment platform you must use this parameters in the payment form:
Credit card: VISA
Credit card Number: 4111111111111111
Client Name: “APPROVED”

or use a service like getcreditcardnumbers.com to generate credit card numbers to test

Visit www.thecodeisintheair.com for more info about this plugin.

Visit PayU Latam to create your account.


  1. Visit the WooCommerce settings page, and click on the Payment Gateways tab.
  2. Click on PayU Latam to edit the settings. If you do not see PayU Latam in the list at the top of the screen make sure you have activated the plugin in the WordPress Plugin Manager.
  3. Enable the Payment Method, name it as you want (this will show up on the payment page your customer sees), add in your Merchant id, Account Id and ApiKey and select the redirect url(URL you want to redirect after payment). Click Save.