WordPress PDF Templates

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About WordPress PDF Templates

This plugin utilises the DOMPDF Library to provide a URL endpoint e.g. /my-post/pdf/ that generates a downloadable PDF file.






updated: 6 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: @anttiviljami


WordPress PDF Templates

This plugin utilises the DOMPDF Library to provide a simple URL endpoint e.g. http://my-site.com/my-post/pdf/ that generates a downloadable PDF file.

If pretty permalinks are disabled. GET parameters (e.g. ?p=1&pdf) can be used instead.

The PDF output can be customized by copying the index-pdf.php file from the plugin directory to your theme and creating your own custom template for PDF prints.

Stylesheets used on the site are disabled by default, but you can define your own stylesheets within the pdf-template.php file. PDF Templates can be previewed as raw HTML at the /pdf-preview URL endpoint.

Source available at https://github.com/anttiviljami/wp-pdf-templates