WP Tournament Registration

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About WP Tournament Registration

A simple but highly configurable tournament registration form providing shortcodes for form, list, editor and export views.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 4 years ago
author: Ingram Braun


WP Tournament Registration is a plugin that provides shortcodes intended for registering players with hobby sport events. As a matter of fact, it was made for the championship of my local chess club. There are four shortcodes for different views:

  • [wptournregedit tournament_id="myID" /] is an editor for the players’ data.
  • [wptournregexport tournament_id="myID"]...[/wptournregexport] is a plain text export filter
  • [wptournregform tournament_id="myID"]...[/wptournregform] is a form where people can register with the competition. It covers some [wptournregfield field="fieldname" /] shortcodes which customize the desired inputs.
  • [wptournreglist tournament_id="myID" /] is a sortable list view of all approved participants.

All these shortcodes are customizable through a set of optional attributes.

Available fields

  • address [text]: self-explanatory.
  • affiliation [text]: club or association.
  • approved [checkbox]: entries become visible in in the list view or through the export filter only afer approved was checked.
  • birthyear [integer]: self-explanatory
  • city [text]: self-explanatory.
  • custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, custom5 [text]: if anything is missing.
  • email [text]: comma-separated list of user names to notify of a new participant.
  • fee_is_paid [checkbox]: self-explanatory.
  • firstname [text]: self-explanatory.
  • id [read-only]: an integer that serves as primary key and is incremented with every registration. Use it to separate entries if people register twice.
  • ip [read-only]: The remote IP of the submitter through wptournregform. May be useful for security checks.
  • lastname [text]: self-explanatory.
  • message [textarea]: self-explanatory
  • phone1 [text]: self-explanatory
  • phone2 [text]: self-explanatory
  • postcode [integer]: self-explanatory
  • protected [checkbox]: if checked, all contact data of the particiapant are suppressed in list view.
  • rating1 [integer]: a rating that is used to calculate ranking lists.
  • rating2 [integer]: another rating that is used to calculate ranking lists.
  • time [read-only]: a timestamp that records the exact date and time of submitting.
    It is advisable not to misuse fields since there are some internal checks on the values. Use the custom fields instead. It is hard to say what the length of input fields is in characters as this depends on what is going to. But all are of reasonable length for their purpose.


  • tournament_id (required).
  • display_fields a comma-separated list of field names in the order of view.


  • tournament_id (required).

  • all if set to any value the list shows all enries, otherwise the ones with a checked approved flag only.
  • class adds a space separated list of custom CSS classes to the form.
  • css adds a style attribute with custom CSS to the form.
  • id adds a custom CSS id to the form.
  • fields_set a comma-separated list of fields which get ignored if empty.
  • filename the name of the export file.
  • format a plain text string where all field names preceded by a percent sign (%fieldname) get replaced by the respective field values.


  • tournament_id (required).

  • backlink adds a backlink to the plugin’s project page.
  • class adds a space separated list of custom CSS classes to the form.
  • css adds a style attribute with custom CSS to the form.
  • id adds a custom CSS id to the form.
  • disabled submit and reset buttons are disabled if set to any value.
  • email a comma-separated list of login names who get an E-mail notification if somebody registeres.


  • tournament_id (required).

  • all if set to any value the list shows all enries, otherwise the ones with a checked approved flag only.
  • backlink adds a backlink to the plugin’s project page if set to any value.
  • class adds a space separated list of custom CSS classes to the form.
  • css adds a style attribute with custom CSS to the form.
  • id adds a custom CSS id to the list.
  • display_fields a comma-separated list of fields on view in that particular order.
  • headings a comma-separated list of column headings in that particular order.
  • protected_fields a comma-separated list of fields that are suppressed if the protected flag is set in the database for a certain user.
  • notsortable the columns are sorttable by default. This is suppressed if set to any value.


  • checked checks a checkbox if set to any value.

  • class adds a space separated list of custom CSS classes to the form.
  • css adds a style attribute with custom CSS to the form.
  • id adds a custom CSS id to the form.
  • disabled disables the field if set to any value.
  • field one of the field names (cf. list above).
  • label the label of the field.
  • placeholder the placeholder is shown in an empty field.
  • required if set to any value the field is marked as required.


The first example is a registration form. Several wptournregfield shortcodes are wrapped by a wptournregfield one. You can put HTML elements between (fi. fieldsets) in order to design your form:

[wptournregform tournament_id="my_tournament" css_id="my_tournament" email="[email protected]"]<p>Red labels indicate required fields!</p><fieldset><legend>Who you are</legend>[wptournregfield field="lastname" label="Family name" required="1" /][wptournregfield field="firstname" label="Christian name" required="1" /][wptournregfield field="affiliation" label="Club" required="1" placeholder="or 'free agent'" /][wptournregfield field="rating1" label="DWZ"  /]</fieldset><fieldset><legend>Your contact data (not to be published)</legend>[wptournregfield field="email" label="E-mail" /][wptournregfield field="phone1" label="Phone 1" required="1" /][wptournregfield field="phone2" label="Phone 2" /]</fieldset>[wptournregfield field="message" label="Your message" placeholder="Whatever you like to tell us." /][/wptournregform]

The next instance is an editor for the data of the tournament. The non-approved players are highlihted in the selection list:

[wptournregedit tournament_id="my_tournament" display_fields="approved,firstname,lastname,affiliation,email,id,time,ip,rating1,phone1,phone2,protected,custom1,message" /]

Next is a list view. Normally you will make an password restricted full list for internal use and a small one for the public. Only approved players are on view:

[wptournreglist tournament_id="my_tournament" display_fields="lastname,firstname,affiliation,email,phone1,phone2,message" headings="Last Name,First Name,Club,E-mail,Phone 1, Phone 2, Message" /]

The next shortcode exports all participants into a csv list which than the is loaded into a tournament manager app (Swiss-Chess in this case). Here also non-approved players get exported. Wrap the field names in sections signs (§) in order to output the respective value.

[wptournregexport tournament_id="my_tournament" all="1" format='"§lastname§, §firstname§";"§affiliation§";"";"";"§rating1§";""' linebreak="1" filename="swiss-chess.txt"]Download Swiss-Chess list[/wptournregexport]

The following shortcode exports a list of all approved participants who have provided you with a mail address in a way you can directly copy and paste into a mail client. See FAQ for issues with some characters!

[wptournregexport tournament_id="my_tournament" format='"§firstname§ §lastname§" LOWER_THAN§email§>,' fields_set="email" filename="mails.txt"]Download mail list (use BCC!)[/wptournregexport]