WP Video Floater

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About WP Video Floater

This plugin will allow you to keep your videos playing floating at the bottom of the page as you scroll down.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Tiago Rodrigues


WP Video Floater WordPress Plugin allows you to insert a video on the page and, as the user scrolls the page, the video will be pushed to the bottom-right. Works with OptimizePress Embed videos too.

Key features

  • Sell more! Allows your visitor to watch your video and see your content at the same time.
  • You don’t have to edit source code of your template to insert any code.
  • No coding, just 2 easy steps and you’ll have an awesome page!

To use it you’ll need to add a class to the iframe that you want to scroll and add the shortcode below to anywhere in the page.

Class to the video:

Shortcode to the page:

Works with OptimizePress. The plugin works nice with OP pages. You’ll need to do the same thing above, but also you’ll need to add a class to the element.

There’s a settings icon on each element on the top-right, if you click you’ll see an “Advanced element options” popup and then you’ll be able to add the class below

Class to the OP element: