WPC Shoppable Images for WooCommerce

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About WPC Shoppable Images for WooCommerce

WPC Shoppable Images is impressively a versatile, multipurpose, and powerful plugin, which helps you increase your sales by creating shoppable images.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 2 years ago
author: WPClever


Open a new world in which images are turned into highly converting tools for your online store with WPC Shoppable Images for WooCommerce. Users can place different hotspots on images to show text or link products visually to take the shopping experience to a higher level.

To get a first-hand experience of our plugin, feel free to check out on your own on the live demo.

The powerful hotspots act as visually engaging product tags that indicate the items demonstrated in an image. Each hotspot can have a distinguished set of configurations to best fit the sellers’ intention. Thus, this plugin makes it easier for shop owners to redirect traffic from pages and feeds to their online store. Moreover, using short-code, users can embed a shoppable wall to any place they’d prefer to attract more attention and improve brand identity.

Shoppable images are highly adjustable: multiple products can be added and shown as a list or carousel, product images, prices, texts, and content popup are editable. The text of the content supports short-code so users can display a countdown timer (using WPC Countdown Timer) or show cart content (using WPC Fly Cart – check out live demo for more information). It’s you who decides which style will be best for your site: showing content on hovering or tapping or initial loading of pages. For sites that use AJAX, combining with WPC AJAX Add to Cart will help you make a complete circle for buyers without worrying about the bounce rate or cart abandonment.

Benefits of WPC Shoppable Images:

  • Draw higher traffic from sources to online shops & boost sales
  • Take great advantage of social media sharing and influencer marketing
  • Improve brand’s online presence & conversion rate
  • Integrated with features from many other WPC plugins


  • Unlimited hotspots can be added
  • 2 content types for hotspots: Text or Product
  • 8 different positions available for the content popup
  • Shortcode supported text for product content
  • Multiple products can be added to a single hotspot as a list or carousel
  • Show/hide the product image
  • Show/hide product prices
  • Show/hide the Add to Cart button
  • Link to individual products: new tab, same tab or use WPC Smart Quick View popup
  • Shortcode supported: show WPC Countdown Timer & WPC Fly Cart content
  • Compatible with most common WordPress themes and plugins/add-ons


Turning any post or page into a shoppable, highly interactive feed takes just some simple steps with WPC Shoppable Images. Everything starts with a click on a spot, then users can configure all the settings for the hotspot easily. Outstanding contents are powerful in which they can grab the attention of shopaholics in just a second. This plugin helps you take the golden chance to present multiple products at the same time without the need to introduce or tell any story – just the visual power is enough. Users-generated content now turns into an effective ad that can expand your brand popularity and product recognition through wide-ranging social platforms.


Besides drawing traffic, WPC Shoppable Images can increase the conversion rate when combined with WPC AJAX Add to Cart so that customers can add products effortlessly to the cart, adjust their cart content then checkout instantly right on the Fly Cart popup. Everything is truly intuitive so there is no need to go through any documentation, users can start right away. Forget about the traditional product presentation, shoppable images can bring about greater effects than you might think. The creative product demonstration can encourage more engagement and attention from visual feeds – that’s why it’s suitable for influencer marketing.