Easiest Sales Funnel Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce by WPFunnels

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About Easiest Sales Funnel Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce by WPFunnels

The Easiest WooCommerce Sales Funnel Builder with Order Bump, One Click Upsell, WooCommerce Checkout customizer & more. πŸ’₯






updated: 2 months ago
since: 3 years ago
author: WPFunnels Team


The Easiest WooCommerce Sales Funnel Builder with Order Bump, One Click Upsell, WooCommerce Checkout customizer & more. πŸ’₯

Create highly converting sales funnels within WordPress using the easies visual funnel builder – WPFunnels.

WPFunnels is the first-ever, canvas-based sales funnel builder for WordPress that anyone can use without any prior funnel building experience.

It’s great for,

βœ… Offering courses,
βœ… Selling products or eBooks,
βœ… Offering subscriptions, or
βœ… Lead Generation.

Whatever it is, WPFunnels will help you create effective sales funnels.

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And the best part is, WPFunnels comes with pre built sales funnel templates for several niches, which you can import with just a click.

This means you can start using sales funnels immediately without wasting any time.

WPFunnels is currently the easiest funnel builder for WordPress & WooCommerce.

It comes with a user-friendly interface to help you create complete sales funnels easily, on your own, within minutes.

The visual canvas lets you visually plan, design and build your funnel flows easily – you have complete control over your funnel!

  1. Plan Your Sales Funnel On A Visual Canvas
  2. Design Your Funnel Steps Using Your Preferred Page Builder
  3. Launch Your Sales Funnels And Boost Your Sales.

πŸ’₯ Why Use WPFunnels πŸ’₯

WPFunnels is created for entrepreneurs and marketers like yourself to increase your online sales revenue using sales funnels.

Use this reliable WordPress funnel builder to automate your sales process and stay in control of every stage of the buyer’s journey.

Whether you wish to collect leads or want to run a sales campaign with

  • Exclusive offers such as promotional discounts,
  • Replace the WooCommerce checkout page,
  • Add order bump at the checkout, and
  • Make post-purchase offers (one click upsell & downsell),

WPFunnels will make it easy for you.

Guide your leads through engaging offers (discount, order bump, upsell, or downsell) and trigger them to purchase more than what they had initially intended.

🌟 A Complete Sales Funnel Solution Within WordPress 🌟

No need to use multiple tools to create or track your funnels.

Use a single funnel builder to plan, design, and execute complete sales funnels, without leaving your WordPress dashboard.

  • A visual funnel canvas for funnel mapping & planning
  • All the funnel steps needed (Landing, Checkout, Thank You)
  • Pre Made Funnel Templates for every step
  • Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi or Oxygen Page Builder Support
  • Use Order bump offers at the WooCommerce checkout
  • Trigger One Click Upsell and Downsell offers offers after WooCommerce checkout (Pro)
  • Conditional redirection to control the buyer’s journey
  • Exclusive discounts for your funnel offers only
  • Detailed analytics of every funnel step (Pro)
  • Conditional Global Funnels for WooCommerce store (Pro)
  • Opt-in Form for lead generation
  • Integration with Mail Mint for flawless Email Marketing Automation
  • Sell LMS Courses via WooCommerce (Tutor LMS, LearnDash)
  • Integration with CRM Tools – Fluent CRM & many (Pro)
  • Webhooks support for sending data to external tools
  • Create Funnels for LearnDash Courses Directly (without WooCommerce) (Pro)
  • Support for Cash On Delivery, Check Payments, Direct Bank Transfer – BACS, and default WooCommerce Payments.
  • Major Payment processing support – Stripe, PayPal, Mollie, Authorize.net, Square, Sumit, PayFast & More!.
  • A/B split testing (Pro)

You get to control everything from planning your funnel to launching a live sales campaign in 1 place.

Can’t find what you are looking for or have a feature request?

πŸ‘€ Let us know!

🌟 A Funnel Builder For EVERY Business In EVERY Niche 🌟

This plugin is made for any online business whether you are a

βœ… Digital Marketer
βœ… Marketing Strategist
βœ… Marketing coach
βœ… Fitness Trainer
βœ… Fitness Product seller
βœ… Health Supplement Provider
βœ… Legal Advisor
βœ… Life Coach
βœ… Educational Portal
βœ… Counselor
βœ… Software Firm
βœ… Business Consultant
βœ… eCommerce Shop

And many more

With WP Funnels, you can create highly converting sales funnels no matter what business you are in.

Use order bumps at the checkout or post-purchase offers using one click Upsell/Downsell (Pro) to increase your sales revenue.

🌟 Maximize Your Leads And Online Sales No Matter What Product You Offer 🌟

Use a funnel builder that is suitable to generate leads and increase sales for any products you may offer.

  • Sell Online Courses
  • Sign More Online Subscriptions
  • Promote Webninar Registrations
  • Conduct Lead Generation
  • Sell WooCommerce Products
  • Increase eBooks Sales
  • Sell Supplement Products
  • Market Event Tickets
  • Offer Exclusive Services

Take your marketing goals to the next level with WPFunnels.

🌟 Create Fully Functional Funnels In Just 15 Minutes 🌟

WPFunnels comes with tons of pre-built funnel templates that are specialized in different niches.

All you need to do is choose a template, improve the content, and launch your sales funnel campaign.

In fact, you can complete the whole process in as low as 15 minutes

It is a funnel builder that is made for both tech-savvy and non-tech marketers who want to boost their revenue.

Besides, you may always take help from our reliable support team whenever required.

🌟 A Simplified Funnel Builder To Save Your Time And Effort 🌟

One of the main purposes of creating WPFunnels was to make your life easier when creating sales funnels.

The plugin is designed in a way so that you can build sales funnel without any complications.

It’s a reliable funnel builder that is specialized to

  • Reduce the time required to build funnels
  • Exclude all unnecessary steps to simplify the process
  • Enhance funnel planning with a visual representation
  • Ensure the whole process is possible within WordPress
  • Make your efforts meaningful and productive
  • Launch your funnel campaigns ASAP.

Your time and effort will not be wasted; start boosting your sales immediately without any hassle.

If you’re looking for a ClickFunnels Alternative in WordPress, look no further than WPFunnels. It has all the necessary features which makes it the best ClickFunnels Alternative for WordPress.

🌟 Get Ready to level up your WooCommerce Sales Funnel Game 🌟

You now don’t need to spend hours building a funnel. Last few months, we worked on the pain points you might have building a WordPress sales funnel and planned to come up with the best possible version.

In our new update of WPFunnels 3.0, you will have a visual, guided funnel workflow where you get everything done in one single place. It’s as simple as that.

With this version, you will have a revamped visual canvas for hassle-free funnel building, distraction-free conditional step configuration, and improved A/B testing for better optimization.

Exclusive Features Of WP Funnels To Boost Your Sales Process

Check out the amazing features you get with WPFunnels to help you boost sales.

⭐ Visual Funnel Canvas To Build Funnels Easily ⭐

Plan your funnels without any hassle. Use a visual funnel builder to plan and organize your funnel steps.

You have full control over funnel navigation and planning – add the steps you want to use, add the necessary steps, use conditional flows, and configure the whole funnel right from the canvas.

Map your funnels with the visual funnel canvas and jumpstart your funnel process in minutes.

⭐ Pre-made Sales Funnel Templates To Start Selling Immediately ⭐

Design your funnel from scratch or choose from dozens of niche-specific funnel templates that are optimized for high conversion. Get a complete funnel with just a click and start selling immediately.

It’s a simplified funnel builder, specialized to make your funnel building process easier than ever with pre-made funnel templates.

⭐ Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi & Oxygen Page Builder Integration ⭐

The plugin comes with exclusive Gutenberg blocks, Elementor widgets, Divi modules & Oxygen elements for every funnel step to help you customize your funnel pages with full control.

Design every step of the funnel using your favorite page builders.

⭐ Shortcodes For WPFunnels Blocks ⭐

Design your funnel pages with many page builders using Shortcodes.

Use dedicated Shortcodes for your sales funnel components for a hand full of page builders.

⭐ Custom Checkout Page For Every Funnel ⭐

Make your checkout process distraction-free with custom checkout pages and increase conversion.

Create a seamless checkout experience for your customers and optimize checkout via checkout optimizer with different checkout layout, step, and checkout fields.

You can easily replace the basic WooCommerce Checkout Page with different checkout templates without any hassle.

⭐ Order Bump Offers At The WooCommerce Checkout ⭐

Add an attractive order bump offer during the checkout and increase your sales revenue.

Create your own order bump offers and design them easily. Place them anywhere on the checkout page as you like.

⭐ Fully Functional With WooCommerce ⭐

Easily integrate with WooCommerce to implement sales funnels to your WooCommerce products and increase sales.

Not only that, you can easily replace your current WooCommerce checkout module with different checkout templates, replaceable fields and many more!

You can create funnels for WooCommerce Subscription products, WooCommerce Chained Products, Tutor LMS course products, etc.

Use Global Funnel for WooCommerce (Pro): Set Conditional Offers for your WooCommerce store based on conditions such as category, product quantity, cart total, product popularity, and many more. Then make dynamic offers to your buyers for higher conversion.

⭐ One click Upsell And Downsell Offers (Pro) ⭐

Trigger one-time offers or any exclusive offers as upsell or downsell after checkout, to attract your buyers to purchase even more and leverage the buyer’s intent to your advantage.

⭐ Mail Mint Integration for Flawless Email Marketing Automation (Pro)⭐

Use Mail Mint to create simple email campaigns & segmented email series with strategic time delays.

On WPFunnels visual canvas, connect those email campaigns with any steps of your sales funnel or lead funnel journey.

Based on the actions of your users, these email campaigns will activate automatically.

πŸ‘‰ Your Complete Visual Funnel Solution

So, create your sales funnel journey & automate email marketing in a single visual canvas.

πŸ“‚ Learn More

⭐ Opt-in Form To Collect Leads ⭐

Use the simple built-in Opt-in form to collect leads, which is not dependent on WooCommerce.

⭐ Webhooks Support To Send Data (Pro) ⭐

WPFunnels Webhooks allows you to send data to major automation tools and most email clients based on user actions in your sales funnel.

⭐ Checkoutify – Checkout Customizer Addon For Easy Customization (Pro) ⭐

Checkoutify is the game-changing WooCommerce Checkout Customizer that puts you in control.

Effortlessly design cleaner and more efficient checkouts with advanced customization options.

βœ… Boost sales by strategically placing your checkout form where it matters most.
βœ… Tailor your checkout sections effortlessly with separate widgets and layouts.
βœ… Embed your checkout forms anywhere using shortcodes for increased flexibility.
βœ… Increase average order value with strategic order bump placement.


⭐ Integration With Major Automation & CRM Tools (Pro) ⭐

Send data to major automation & CRM tools such as Mail Mint, MailPoet, ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, FluentCRM, Constant Contact, AWeber, Sendinblue, MailerLite, GetResponse, Encharge, HubSpot and other email clients based on user actions in your sales funnel.

Integrate with the most popular automation tool Zapier and send data to your favorite tools.

⭐ Course Funnels Using LearnDash And WPFunnels (Pro) ⭐

For the first time in WordPress, you can create course funnels in WordPress without using WooCommerce! Plan a funnel journey and offer courses in your sales funnel as order bump, upsell and downsell, by using WPFunnels and LearnDash. (No WooCommerce needed.)

⭐ Custom Step For Advanced Funnel Building (Pro) ⭐

Create additional custom pages between the landing and the checkout to craft powerful Hybrid Funnels, Squeeze Funnels, Affiliate Marketing Bridge Funnels, etc.

Use Custom Step to have more control over your sales funnels.

⭐ Experience A/B Split Testing Like Never Before (Pro) ⭐

Easily test every funnel step with different content or designs to determine which one triggers the highest conversion!

Check out the new WPFunnels A/B Split Testing.

⭐Get Detailed Analytics to Observe Your Funnel Performance ⭐

Now get all your crucial funnel tracking metrics in a single place with a much easier view. You’ll exactly know how each step of your funnel is performing in terms of revenue and conversion.

Here’s how to Track Funnel Performance.

⭐ Save Your Time & Effort With The Funnel Export/Import Feature (Pro) ⭐

Now easily Export your Funnels & Import them on other sites in no time!

Here’s how to Export/Import your funnels.

⭐ Compatible With Form Builders For Lead Generation Funnels (Coming Soon) ⭐

Easily integrate with popular form builders to run lead generation campaigns. Offer a freebie, promote webinars, or simply offer more information and collect leads to qualify them into sales funnels easily.

Types Of Sales Funnels You Can Create Using WPFunnels

  • Opt-in Lead Generation Funnel
  • Sales Funnels For Specific Products
  • Dynamic Funnels for WooCommerce store
  • Course Funnel
  • Free Webinar Funnel
  • Paid Webinar Funnel
  • Product Launch Funnel
  • Tripwire Funnel
  • Squeeze Page Funnel
  • Simple Video Sales Funnel
  • Hero Funnel To Get Social Followers
  • Affiliate Sales Funnel
  • Free Consultation Funnel
  • Cross-Sell Funnel
  • Membership Sales Funnel (coming soon)
  • Survey Funnel (coming soon)

Planned Upcoming Features

We have great plans to expand this plugin so that you can make your business as profitable as possible through online sales.

Following are some of our planned future solutions:

  • Unsupported Payment Gateway support
  • Integration with MemberPress
  • Hybrid funnel templates and implementations
  • Dedicated WPFunnels Cart & Product Management

Basic Features

Following are all the amazing features you will get in WPFunnels (Basic), and devise simple sales funnels for your products.

Exclusive Sales Funnel Features (Free)

  • Interactive visual funnel building canvas
  • Compatible with WooCommerce
  • Custom style and color for checkout fields
  • Different checkout form layouts – 1 column, 2 column
  • Order bump at the checkout
  • Replace main order with order bump
  • Dedicated discount on order bump offer
  • Customize order bump style & color
  • Custom order bump content – Image & texts
  • Custom order bump position on WooCommerce checkout page
  • Pop-up type order bump
  • Conditional steps control
  • Opt-in Form to collect leads
  • Multisite support
  • Rollback option

Features To Design Funnel Pages (Free)

  • Pre-made niche-specific sales funnel templates
  • Integrated with Elementor Page Builder
  • Integrated with Gutenberg Page Editor
  • Integrated with Divi Page Builder
  • Integrated with Oxygen Page Builder
  • Dedicated Elementor widgets
  • Dedicated Gutenberg blocks
  • Dedicated Divi modules
  • Dedicated Oxygen elements
  • Shortcodes for WPFunnels blocks
  • Fully editable Elementor page templates
  • Gutenberg page templates using Qubely
  • Fully editable Divi page templates
  • Fully editable Oxygen page templates
  • Option To Create Funnel From Scratch
  • Pre-made templates for Landing Pages
  • Pre-built templates for the Checkout page
  • Pre-made templates for the Thank …