Youtube Video Search

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About Youtube Video Search

Search Youtube videos from any pages or post adding just shortcode or php code. It gives real time search suggestions with results to play on click.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Mauriya:Ryan


Youtube Video Search is a free plugin. It can be used in post and page with simple Shortcode []. It can also be used in templates. It gives real time search suggestion which can be clicked. While typing it shows search results from with thumbnails of videos and theirs titles. When clicked on the video, It opens video player on top of the page and plays all the videos in search results as a playlist.

Demo Site


  • Can be used in any Template
  • Shortcode for showing results in 100% width
  • Real time search suggestion
  • Auto play selected video
  • Auto play videos in search result
  • Video player 100%
  • Bootstrap used for compatibility with any display sizes
  • Shows number of views, comments, and rating star for video
  • Can be used in any page/post
  • Can watch videos on the same page with one click
  • Can configure any numbers of youtube video results
  • Simple to use and update
  • More pure vanilla javascript